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"Um ma'am"

You snapped out of your tired daze and looked up at the woman in front of you who had a concerned look on her face. Your squinted eyes widened a bit when her figure blocked out the torturous sun.

"What is it", you asked your voice hoarse from the lack and water. You stood up to face her. The woman was a bit shorter than you were and about your age. She wore a pastel blue kimono with white flower decorations. She had short black hair in the style of a bob. Even with the heavy bags under her eyes, her eyes were still bright and round.

"Um well I'm asking if you're alright", she repeated chuckling nervously. She kept her eyes up avoiding looking down at your naked body covered in bruises on your hips, scratches on your chest and stomach, dried up c*m between your inner thighs, and patches of dirt everywhere. People who walked on by just glanced disgustingly or worriedly at you before continuing on with their day.

"Yeah I'm fi-oh", you went to say, but let out when the ground was suddenly in your face. The last thing you heard was a scream before passing out.

"No matter what Y/n, be a coward. Be a bug"

"Bugs always have a chance of surviving than a Lion does."

Your eyes flutter open after hearing your father's words. His voice is soon forgotten when you see the dark brown ceiling. Forcing yourself you sat up in the unfamiliar futon and glanced around a bit. You were in a spacious room filled with what looked like storage items like boxes, pots, etc. You glanced down seeing you were wearing a loose robe. The sound of a door sliding open gains makes you flinch then quickly look over.

You saw it was the woman from earlier entering the room with a tray of warm tea and a sandwich. The woman held a reassuring smile as she approached your futon.

"Hey hey it's okay it's just me", she reassured in a soothing voice. She sat down beside your bed a couple of feet away to give you space. She sat on the back of his legs before placing your tray down beside you.

"I'm glad you're okay you feel pretty hard", she chuckled dryly. "Where am I", you asked. "My home", she answered. "It's still within the village", she added in hopes of reassuring you that you were safe. "If you don't mind me asking why were you...like that? and naked", she asked. "I was fighting a demon..somehow lost my clothes in the process", you smiled to help cover up your lie.

"Oh wow so you must be a demon slayer right", she asked scooting a bit toward you. "I am", you answered. "Wow you must be strong then", she sighed with a bit of admiration. "Yeah I guess I am", you chuckled grabbing the tea cup and taking a sip.

"Then it is best to warn you", she said her smile faltering slightly. "About what", you asked after putting your tea down. "There have been whispers that a demon is staying in our town", she said. "Closer to the red light district, a powerful one too but it could be just rumors people are more jumpy these days".

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