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"...What", the tall lanky demon, who was this female demon's older brother, titled his head to the side. His grotesque fangs peaked from behind his chapped lips as he expressed confusion.

"I wanted to give you a gift silly", she giggled. "She''s not much, but she's the prettiest one I came across".

"Huh", you repeated blinking at the two in confusion.

The tall demon stood back up at his fool height hunching over slightly as if he was shrinking away back into his shell. "You didn't have to do this, you are too kind my sweet sister", he spoke. His voice was deep yet it cracked with every word he spoke. The type of crack that reminded me of what a loser would sound like.


"I wanted to brother!", the female demon smiled hugging his tiny waist her arms overlapped over each other as she did. "You're so kind to do this for someone as ugly as me", he spoke gently rubbing the top of her head.


"Mhm, I know I know I am so the best little sister", the female demon giggled as he spilled away breaking the hug.


"Does she say huh all the time", he asked glancing your way. "Hm? She must've hit her head or she's dumb", his sister said. "Oh well have fun brother", she giggled. Her sash levied towards the air like a serpent lifting its head. It pushed a piece of the ceiling up. Grabbing a hold of the edges she pulled herself out of the room. Placing the piece of ceiling away you were not alone with the ugly demon. Slowly he turned your way. His sickly eyes settled onto you. causing you to tense up.

The demon stood nearly at 5'll, his head was hunched low distorting how tall he was. His body was buff with huge shoulders and muscular forearms, but even so, his body still looked sickly. His waist was so thin you could wrap your hand around it. Even with abs, you could see the side of his ribs and pelvic bones, it was weird his pants were able to stand up.

"Time to eat you", he groaned taking a step towards you.

"Huh?! No no wait she said to have fun!", you stated crawling back a bit. "Food shouldn't talk", he growled slightly still advancing towards you gripping his sickles.

"Please she said to have fun!", you repeated. "I can hear, I heard my precious little sister say that", he snapped. "Yes but she didn't say to eat me", you said. "If not eat you what else is there to do", he scowled. "She said to have fun so I don't know aren't we supposed to", you trailed off hoping he got the hint. "Suppose to what", he scoffed. "You know s*x", you answered your back now hitting the wall behind you.

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