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"Wow you're amazing!", you beamed up at the huge drum demon. "Truly talented.

The demon blushed at your words giving you a genius hideous smile. His fangs bared at you as he did.

"Thank you", he replied softly in a rough voice. "Are you ready for the next lesson", he questioned. "No thank you, I have to get back home anyway I just know I have a mess I need to clean up", you groaned standing up. "Take care and thank you for the lesson", you said bowing at your waist before making your way towards the door.

Before you could reach the door you heard the sound of the quick hit to the drum. The floor went to the left making a trip and fall on the floor that used to be the wall. You sat up using your arms and then looked towards the demon. He had a dark aura oozing from his body. He took. step forward towards you making the floor shake. One of his hands was hovering over a drum on his shoulder.

"You're not leaving", he growled glaring at you with red eyes.

You stared at him in fear while slowly standing up. You try thinking up a plan, of course, the plan you've been using came to mind first.

"If I keep doing this I'm going to be a hoe at this point", you thought. "How many d*cks is it again until you're a whore?"

You flicked hearing the demon growling at you daring you to make a run for the door. You swallowed your pride. You gave the demon a smile.

"You're right sorry", you said before cautiously approaching him. His hand flinched about to hit the drum but stopped when he realized you were coming towards him.

The demon watched you carefully as you did. You stopped right in front of him staring up at him. Reaching out you gently touch this hand. When the demon made no move to rip your head off or break your spine, literally, you gently held his hand lowering it from the drum.

"I should really thank you for teaching me the basics", you suggested caressing his huge hand with both hands. The demon blinked down at you.

"...Huh", he questioned in a raspy voice.

Dropping to your knees, you lift the front of his skirt up and got under. The demon released a surprised noise when you did.

"What are you doin'-", he went to shout but released a surprise grunt when he felt you move his loins aside. He made no move to remove you from under his long skirt only froze in place.

You felt your throat go dry seeing the size of him. He wasn't fully hard yet, but still, the size was scary. He was a good seven inches and had a lot of girth.

Seeing that as a green light, you leaned in and kissed the tip. The demon tensed up a small whimper escaping from him.

You soon took the tip into your mouth gently sucking. You pulled away to play kisses along the dick and the side of the base. Getting close you lick from the base to the tip before taking him into your mouth.

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