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My housemate, Tadasahi, the Shadow Hashira, stared at me in shock upon seeing I was naked. He forced his eyes to stay focused on my face.

"Y/n", he questioned. "Why are you naked"

"I tripped and fell out of my clothes", you lied. "Fuck I suck at lying," you thought.

Tadashi arched an eyebrow at me a questioning look on his face. "You tripped and fell out of your clothes?", he repeated. "Yes I did I was running from an upper moon", I answered. His eyes went wide.

"You escaped an upper moon? how", he asked worried. "Why can't you just be happy I survived", I huffed crossing my arms. His cheeks turned red and he looked away.

"Please put some clothes on", he sighed stepping aside to let me inside. I nodded my head at him and then quickly stepped inside.

You entered your room quickly to get changed. Once you were now wearing clothing you left my room to speak with Tadasahi who was waiting outside your room. His arms were crossed and he had a stern look on his face, but concern was still swimming around in his obsidian colors orbs.

"Which one was it? That you ran away from", he questioned. "Uh I think it was upper rank four", you chuckled slightly. His eyes widened at my answer.

"How in the hell did you elapse upper moon four", he asked. "What do you think? I ran", you answered crossing my arms. "You ran away from an upper rank, and escaped", he questioned again making you release an annoyed huff.

"Why can't you just be happy I survived", you frowned. "Do you want me dead"?

"NO no it's just hard to believe you just ran and escaped", he admitted. "Maybe luck was on my side this time", you suggested. "You do have the stamina", he thought out loud. "Yeah! See I have the stamina", you agreed. "Now I'm going to bed have to sleep the adrenaline off yeah goodnight!", you quickly said then slid the door to your room.

You went to go to bed but stopped. After a couple of seconds, you turned back around and slid your open again. Tadasahi was standing there still. You released a sigh and smiled.

"Sleepover", you questioned.


You were sleeping in Tadasahi's room. Your back was pressed up against his front with his arms wrapped tightly around your waist. Tadasahi was a childhood friend of yours. You both grew up in the same village. He was the one who begged you to join the demon slayer corps along with him. Ever since he was young he had a habit of having night terrors, only when he slept alone. The two of you grew in the habit of sleeping together in hopes of helping Tadasahi sleep throughout the night.

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