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Warning: This book contains lot of angst and unrealistic scenarios. Now when I re-read it, i was screaming and cringing so hard! I don't know what I thought when I wrote this! Like what the fuck is wrong with me!? This whole story doesn't even make any sense! GOSH! 

I'm so sorry for this stupid and unrealistic book which maybe somehow will make you guys angry and something like that...I just hope you guys will just take this book as just an imaginary book and forgive me for my lack of knowledge and insensitive thoughts that I put inside this story unknowingly....

I promise to make good books in future. Please let bear with my childhood mistake, which is this book. And just enjoy it as a book, nothing serious...

Love ya'll!

Let's meet soon in my other stories, yeah?




Jungkook sat on the couch in living room of the bangtan dorm, his head in his hands, tugging his hairs frustratingly. He was feeling completely overwhelmed by everything that was going on. He had been working non-stop for weeks, and the stress was starting to get to him... Between their busy schedule, constant touring, and the pressure to constantly perform at their best, he was feeling the weight of the world on his shoulders. He tried to push through it all, but today he just couldn't take it anymore. He needed comfort badly!

He needs his mother, he wants to hide from the world for some times, he just really needs a break! But he can't, there is a concert coming next month and all of his hyungs are in short exhausted!

He felt so lonely lately as Tae and Jimin-his best friends in group are as busy as him and they are not being able to even talk for few weeks! Like even now, no one except Jin and Yoongi are at home- they have all of their solo shoots...

It's not like he is the only one who is getting sad over it, they all are! But there is nothing they can do about it right?

He felt a sudden urge to be comforted, to be held and cared for like a child. He knew that only one right now can do this for him...his eldest hyung, Jin, was the only one who could provide that kind of comfort for him.

Well, that's it then. Jungkook dashed upstairs to find him.

Jungkook peeked inside the shared room of the two eldest members of the group. Jin was in his bed, scrolling through his phone and Yoongi was in front of his computer, working on upcoming music with headphones on and too into the screen.

Jungkook smiled a little before running inside and hopping in Jin's bed like a bunny, startling the elder male. He just loves to cuddle with his Jin hyung, he gives Jungkook a motherly vibe and the youngest really needed it now.

Jin jumped a little, dropping his phone in the process. "What the- Oh! Jungkook!" he exclaimed, before quickly calming down and chuckling. "What are you doing, Koo? You scared me!"

Jungkook giggled as he snuggled closer to Jin. "Sowyee! Just wanted to cuddle with my mamma bird," he said burying his face on Jin's embrace, like a baby bunny.

Jin let out a small laugh as he saw Jungkook snuggling up to him. He put his phone down and wrapped his arms around the younger member, pulling him closer. Jungkook hid his face on Jin's chest, he is feeling sad and safe all together. The emotions are too overwhelming to him that he can't even understand how he should feel now! He just wants the old dorm life with everyone's laugh together!

It took everything to hide his shuddered sniffle and a trembling deep sigh from Jin. But Jin seemed to catch something is wrong with the kid of the house. Afterall he has the mother with the hyung instinct.

His Mumma Bird ( Jinkook centric) [A BTS brotherly FF]Where stories live. Discover now