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Jungkook sat nervously on the edge of the bed, Yoongi beside him, his one hand rubbing Jungkook's back assuringly... Jungkook's hands fidgeting in his lap as he waited for Jin to arrive. He had known that he would have to face his older brother eventually, but he had hoped it wouldn't be so soon.

When Jin finally walked into the room, his expression was dark and stormy. Jungkook recoiled at the look on his face, feeling a lump form in his throat.

-Jin hyung," he began cautiously, "Please don't be mad! I didn't know how else to control my mind that time. S-sorry-"

-Save it!' Jin's face darkened as he stormed near Jungkook and stretched his hand in front of him, Jungkook flinched.

Jin's expression softened slightly, but the anger was still evident in his eyes. "We all know there is actually no perfect excuse for your deed," he said sternly, "You should have come to me, or one of the other members. Yoongi was right here for you, he asked you if he could help, didn't he? You know very well that we're here for you, Jungkook, and we would never judge you for needing help....But still you did the dumbest thing!"

Jungkook hung his head, feeling tears prick at the corners of his eyes. He knew that Jin was right, but it was hard to face the truth of his own mistakes.

-I'm sorry," he whispered poorly, "I won't do it again. I promise."

Jin: We will come to that later. Now, just show me your hand.' He just ordered sternly. Yoongi sensed Jungkook's fear, so he tried to make Jin a bit calm.

Yoongi: Hyung, I was saying-

Jin: Yoongi, please get me a glass of water, please.' He just cut of Yoongi abruptly, still glaring the hell out of Jungkook! Clearly he doesn't want anyone to interfere right now.

Jungkook's eyes turned glossy again with new tears, 'Jin h-hyung sorry...p-please!'

Yoongi could feel the tension in the air as he watched the interaction between the two brothers. He knew that this conversation was going to be difficult for Jungkook, but he also knew that it was necessary for Jin to understand what had been happening with his younger brother.

-Jin hyung, please let's listen to Jungkook calmly," Yoongi said calmly, placing a hand on the older man's shoulder. "He's been struggling with his inner demons lately, and he didn't know how else to cope."

Jin glared at Yoongi for a moment before turning his attention back to Jungkook, 'I guess I asked for water, Min Yoongi?'

Yoongi got the point and sighed tiredly; he slumped his shoulders and unwantedly left the room, leaving the eldest and youngest, before giving Jungkook a comforting pat in head and a small smile.

Jungkook felt like a deer caught in headlight in front of Jin right now. He felt scared, but at the same time he felt relieved to finally see his mamma bird...he knows Jin still loves him, even though he is so angry now.

Jin: I said show me you damn hand Jeon.' Jungkook cringed on the way of Jin's addressing to him. He whimpered a little, yet showed his injured hand timidly, eyes downcast while Jin examined the injuries.

Jin: God! Y-You did this? How!?' Jin mumbled absent mindedly.

Jungkook just looked down at his hands, feeling ashamed and guilty.

Jin's expression softened slightly in worry and concern as he examined the injuries on Jungkook's hand. He could see the fresh cuts and bruises, evidence of the younger man's struggles. Jin sighed, feeling a mix of sadness and anger wash over him.

His Mumma Bird ( Jinkook centric) [A BTS brotherly FF]Where stories live. Discover now