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Jungkook sat alone in his room, the darkness surrounding him like a thick blanket. He couldn't shake the feeling that he was a burden to his hyungs, especially Seokjin. Why he is so worthless? Why he can't just do one thing better? He is called golden makhne, but he is nothing!

They will eventually kick you out if they think you are being a burden."

I'm not a burden!

I thought you had more potential than just being some flashy pop star."

Shut up! Just shut up!

You're not even that good! I mean, sure, you've got some fans, but let's be real. You're just lucky."

I KNOW! I know! You don't have to remind me again and again!

You're not really doing anything important, are you? Singing and dancing? That's not changing the world or anything.

LIE! You are lying! My ARMY said...they got motivation from...o-our songs...? They weren't lying....r-right?

Jin is working right now, and you're just causing a distraction... Don't call again."

So...I'm...Just a distraction...just a burden...ain't I?

Of course you are! Stop disturbing your hyungs more!

STOP! STOP PLEASE! Stop messing up with my mind....p-please! P-please-

Jungkook started overthinking as he clutched his head frustratedly with his both hands and tugged his hairs down! Tears getting their ways out from his mesmerizing eyes and he felt nothing! Nothing but numbness!

As he sat there in the silence, he just wanted to forget everything in his mind that was going on! He wanted to feel something! Anything! And....Unknowingly, he began to entertain thoughts of self-harm.

Maybe, he thought, if he gave himself pain, it would distract his mind from the sadness that seemed to consume him. He started to dig his fingernails into his skin, feeling a sense of relief as the pain shot through him.

But suddenly that doesn't feel enough, and he wanted more!!

As Jungkook continued to dig his fingernails into his skin, the pain intensified, but it still wasn't enough to distract him from his thoughts. He began to search for something else to inflict pain on himself, something more severe.

His eyes landed on a nearby pair of razor, and a dangerous thought crossed his mind. What if he were to use the razor to cut himself?

He felt like he was suffocating in his own thoughts, unable to escape the weight of his own emotions. He couldn't shake the feeling that Seokjin hyung didn't care about him anymore, and that he was just a burden on him.

He reached for the small blade, feeling a sickening sense of relief at the sight of it. He knew it was a bad idea, but he couldn't seem to stop himself. He reached for it, but-

~Kookie! Promise me, you won't do it again?'

~I promise hyung!'

His hand stopped as he remembered the conversation, from a long time ago! He was told by his hyungs to always talk with them if he needs to! And never do anything stupid. He shouldn't do it, he should just talk with them, right?

He hesitated and tried to pull back his hand from the blade, but again...the voice in his mind spoke up_

~Stop bothering your hyungs! You are just a burden! If you keep on bothering them with your problems, they will end up kicking you out!

His Mumma Bird ( Jinkook centric) [A BTS brotherly FF]Where stories live. Discover now