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As Kim Taehyung entered the dorm, the atmosphere seemed to change in an instant, replaced with a sense of tension and unease. His stern expression in his extremely handsome face immediately caught everyone's attention, and they knew exactly how the second makhne in home was feeling now...and to be honest, none in the room was less intimidate by the second youngest of the house here than Jungkook.

Everyone fears an angry serious Kim Taehyung. You should never test a serious Taehyung if you don't have a death wish!

Jungkook could feel his heart pounding in his chest as he looked at Taehyung, feeling guilty and ashamed for what he had done. He had been caught by Taehyung doing self-harming before, before their debut.

That time was different and Jungkook was lot younger back then to know what's good or bad! Everyone was stressed and unsure of everything back that time...Tae found out Jungkook doing self-harm because they were room-mates back then, and Tae handled and took care of him pretty well. He didn't tell about it to other hyungs, but Tae handled him like a hyung! And after that Jungkook promised Taehyung that he won't do this again...they both thought it was done!

But he guesses, it wasn't....he never thought he would be caught again for this same reason...cause he never intended to do self-harm again! He had promised Taehyung!

He knew he had hurt Taehyung in the past, and he didn't want to hurt him again....but look like he already did!

As Kim Taehyung entered the dorm, the room fell silent. All eyes were on him, taking in his angry and stern expression. The other members exchanged worried glances, unsure of what to do or say.

Jungkook looked down and waited for something to happen...anything! But nothing happened. It's just pin-drop silence in the room with occasional sniffles from the makhne...

Taehyung's sharp gaze roamed all over Jungkook's hands and he inspected the injuries attentively and silently. Then his gaze slowly shifted to Jungkook's face and Jungkook quickly looked down, biting his lower lip. He can't stand the look of disapproval and disappointment with sadness from his hyungs.

Jungkook knew that he was in for a rough conversation, and his stomach twisted in knots as he thought about what Taehyung might say.

But without saying a word, Taehyung walked past the other members and headed straight for the stairs, his footsteps heavy and loud...

Jungkook flinched a little when Tae stormed past him and watched as he disappeared from view, feeling a sense of dread wash over him when he heard the bang sound of closing the door of Tae's bedroom upstairs.

After a few moments of silence, Jungkook took a deep breath and slumped his shoulder like sad bunny. With the look of Tae's face, the younger boy knew that he had to follow. But he was too much filled with fear and uncertainty...

Jimin put a comforting hand around Jungkook's shoulder and ruffled his hair, 'Kookie! It's gonna be okay bub.'

Jungkook shook his head, tears started dropping again, 'N-no...he is disappointed with me...h-he doesn't wanna talk with me a-anymore.' He sobbed and Jimin quickly hugged the boy, soothing him by rubbing his back.

-That's not true bun!' Jin skipped closer to them, 'He is just upset. You need to apologize and he will be alright for sure.'

Yoongi: Yes kook-ah! Just talk with him and tell him why you did that...he will understand.

Jungkook cried in Jimin's embrace more, he know it won't be as easy as others. Tae knows more than other hyungs does.

Hobi: Kook! Don't cry baby...he is just angry and scared...like us! He will come around.'

Jungkook nodded pulling himself out from the hug and wiped his tears with shaky hands. Jin helped him getting stable by giving warm squeezes and kisses on his hairs, and that actually helped the makhne like always!

He inhaled sharply and mumbled softly, 'I-I'll be back.'

Others nodded sympathetically and Jungkook made his way up the stairs, his heart racing with every step. When he reached Taehyung's room, he hesitated for a moment before knocking softly on the door.

-T-tae hyung, can we talk?" Jungkook asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

There was a long pause that Jungkook started thinking maybe he wasn't loud enough to hear before Taehyung finally spoke.

Tae: Come in," he said, his voice cold and distant.

Jungkook opened the door slowly and stepped inside with heavy steps, feeling the weight of Taehyung's gaze upon him.

Tae was sitting on her bed, his over coat, mask and hat are scattered around in the bed around where he sits. His long fingers of both hands are rubbing his temple of head with frustration, black hair brushed up showing his forehead, he is wearing the white shirt with black jeans...looking extremely intimating right now!

Jungkook kept his gaze down as he walked inside after closing the door and stood in the middle of the room, his eyes red and puffy from crying, hands shaking slightly in fear and unsure of what's coming next.

He took a deep breath and tried to steady himself as he looked up to meet Taehyung's stern, angry face. He gulped hardly and just looked at Taehyung with a pleading expression, hoping that his hyung would melt a little and forgive him.

The tension between them was palpable. Jungkook could feel Taehyung's anger radiating off of him, and he knew that this was going to be a difficult conversation.

But...Silence...just suffocating silence in the room!

Jungkook's heart was pounding in his chest, and he could feel the sweat gathering on his palms. He knew he had messed up badly this time, and Taehyung had every right to be angry with him. But he also knew that he couldn't bear the thought of losing his best friend, his hyung, his everything.

-Tae hyung, I'm so sorry," Jungkook finally spoke up, his voice quivering slightly. "I know I messed up, and I don't deserve your forgiveness, but please, just hear me out."

Taehyung remained silent, his expression unchanging as he continued to stare at Jungkook with a cold gaze. Jungkook took a step closer, but then hesitated, unsure if he was allowed to.

"I didn't mean to hurt you," Jungkook continued, his voice barely above a whisper. "I was just stupid and impulsive, and I didn't think about the consequences. But I swear, Tae hyung, I never meant to betray your trust."

Taehyung finally spoke up, his voice low and controlled. "Didn't mean to? YOU FREAKING DID IT Jeon! Do you have any idea how much you've hurt me?"

Jungkook shifted his weight from one foot to another, feeling uncomfortable under Taehyung's piercing stare and the way of addressing him-it's always when Jungkook messes up really bad. He knew he had messed up, but he didn't expect Taehyung to be this angry with him.

"Tae hyung, I'm sorry," Jungkook finally managed to say, his voice cracking with emotion.

Taehyung let out a heavy sigh and ran a hand through his hair. "Jungkook, do you even realize what you did?" he asked, his voice still laced with anger.

Jungkook: I-I...do!' he tried to speak.

Tae: NO YOU DON'T! YOU CLEARLY DON'T! You crossed a line that you shouldn't have crossed. You...you betrayed my trust. You broke my promise Jungkook!"

Jungkook's heart sank at Taehyung's words. He knew he had messed up badly, but hearing Taehyung's disappointment was like a knife through his heart.

"I'm sorry, hyung," Jungkook said, his voice choked with emotion. "I didn't mean to hurt you. I won't cut myself again, I promise."

Taehyung turned away from him, his jaw clenched. He couldn't believe that Jungkook had broken his trust like this. He had always been there for him, supporting him through thick and thin, and this was how he repaid him?

-Just leave, Jungkook," Taehyung said, his voice cold and distant.

Jungkook's eyes widen hearing Tae's sharp command!

His Mumma Bird ( Jinkook centric) [A BTS brotherly FF]Where stories live. Discover now