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Jungkook sat alone on the couch in the living room, surrounded by pillows and blankets, waiting for his hyungs to arrive. His hyungs are busy and working all around the dorm, trying to cook and organize things for a movie night they planned together. Jungkook smiled watching them from the couch, it finally felt like the dorm has come back to its life after a long time!

Jin came out from the kitchen after handling the spoon over to Yoongi and peeked into the living room to check on Jungkook. Jungkook saw him and gave an adorable smile to him, making Jin coo and squeal!

Jin: Aww my baby! Are you bored sitting alone here?'

Jungkook pouted and nodded like a baby, 'Yesh hyung! I wanna help hyung-ies too. But Jimin-ie hyung warned me if I get up from here, then he will not let me have my banana milk! Hmph!' he complained like a kid complaining to his mother.

Jin chuckled at Jungkook's antics, finding it amusing how he acted like a little kid. "Oh, I see. Well, how about this? You and me can sit here and cuddle till your other hyungs get done with, hmm?'

Jungkook pouted, 'I wanted to help hyungs. But-' Jungkook's eyes suddenly shone with anticipation, 'I'd love to get cuddles from hyung-ie.' He said smiling, showing his bunny teeth.

Oh god! Why this bunny boy is so adorable?! Without a second thought, Jin made his way over to the couch and gently scooped Jungkook up into his arms, sitting beside him.

As Jin held him close, Jungkook let out a contented sigh and nuzzled into Jin's chest. Jin smiled and began to stroke Jungkook's hair, soothing him with his gentle touch.

Jin had spent the rest of day taking care of Jungkook, like a mother would care for her child. He had made sure that Jungkook ate well, drank plenty of water, and got enough rest. He had even given him a warm bath to help him relax after a long tiring day of acts!

Jungkook melted more in his mama bird's embrace, feeling calmed. Just then Jimin entered the room, looking out for something. He smiled warmly at the duo in the couch and ruffled makhne's hair.

-Hey, Jiminie?' Jin chimed out seeing him, and Jungkook also looked up from Jin's embrace to see the owner of his hair ruffling hand!

Jimin: Yep?

Jin: do you think we could let Jungkook help us in the kitchen?" Jin asked with a smile. Jungkook also looked at Jimin with hopeful eyes.

Jimin shook his head. "I don't know, Jin hyung. He's still pretty young and I'm sure about that he will get hurt more in his already injured hand if he tries works. He is a clumsy kid."

Jungkook puffed his face and glared at Jimin, or tried because he looked cute, not angry, 'I'm not a clumsy kid!'

Jimin pinched his nose, 'Of course you are!'

Jungkook: I'm not!

Jimin: You are!

Jungkook turned to Jin and whined loudly, 'HYUNGGGGGG! See Jimin hyung teasing me!'

Jin just laughed seeing both of his kid brothers bickering so childishly. Jungkook whined more and slapped on Jin's forearm like an angry baby, making Jin laugh more. But he quickly tried to control his laugh once he saw Jungkook's almost teary eyes and quickly hugged the boy again.

Jin: Ok! Ok! I'm sorry bunny! I'm sorry!' he rubbed Jungkook's back, 'I won't laugh anymore.'

-Good!' Jungkook said and rested his head on Jin's chest, watching Jimin with bambi eyes from there. Jimin just smirked teasingly, 'Not gonna work baby. I won't let you work today. Why don't you fully enjoy your Jin hyung's care today, hmm?'

His Mumma Bird ( Jinkook centric) [A BTS brotherly FF]Where stories live. Discover now