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Angry will be an understatement for him right now...Jin was fuming!

He was having the worst day of his life as the photo shoot was the worst photo-shoot ever. Jin didn't know half of the stuffs there, he was alone as it's his solo shoot and cherry on top the set and camera started showing technical problems just after two shots! And it took around two hours just to fix the problems and in this whole time, Jin has nothing to do rather than sitting on the makeup room and hear his assistant manager's nonsense.

Cause guess what, since the time he entered the shooting spot, his assistant manager, Manager lee seized his cell phone telling it just a distraction for his work and he will get it back once the shoot will be over! Unbelievable! What type of rule is this? And Jin couldn't argue much with him as he is the manager and older than him...plus he was too tired to do that anyway...so he let it be.

Well, if you ask, Jin will say he didn't like this thing at all. Sometimes he finds this manager of him a bit annoying and he almost gets on his nerves. Especially when his dongsaengs are around with him, he looks kinda irritated.

Other members also don't like him much, and Jin knows it. Jungkook once blurted out that he felt something off around this manager's aura. But he is helpless! This is company's matter and he has no say in this.

But he didn't like the way manager lee took away his phone for the whole time and he saw once he was talking with someone in his phone in between his shoots. He wanted to ask about it later but just forgot later! The shoot was way too much horrible to endure....

In one word, the day was hectic! So, just think, how it will feel if he suddenly got a call from one of his dongsaeng just after the pack-up, when he was wasted and tired as hell, and got the news of Jungkook, whom he saw sleeping peacefully in his bed till the time he left, was self-harming now out of nowhere?

Livid, right? That's what he was feeling currently...

After ending the call, Jin quickly grabbed his keys and made his way out of the dormitory. All Jin could think about was Jungkook and how he could help him. He felt angry and helpless at the same time. He wished he could turn back time and be a better hyung to his dongsaengs.

As Jin drove to the dormitory, he couldn't help but wonder what could have caused Jungkook to harm himself. Was it the pressure of being the center of the group? Was it something else entirely?

As closer to the dorm he got, his mind started cooling off. His anger turned into worry and guilt. Worry for Jungkook's mental and physical health and guilt for not being able to be there for Jungkook. Maybe he did something wrong in being a good hyung and that's why his makhne took such bad decision rather than talking with his hyungs or so!

Jin couldn't believe that Jungkook was going through such a difficult time and he was not beside him to comfort and protect him! Jungkook must have felt terrible that he took such step like self-harming and he knew that he needed to be there for his younger brother as soon as possible.

His mind was filled with worry and regret. How could he have not noticed that his brother was going through such a difficult time? He felt like he failed as the hyung, and he has no explanation of how he was feeling right now!


Yoongi opened the door of dorm and found a panting Jin outside. It's sure that the elder boy is worried and angry as hell at the same time. And why he won't be? He found out that Jungkook cut himself and Jin couldn't just believe his makhne will do something like that.

-Sorry I forgot my spare key,' Jin stumbled inside and looked at Yoongi, 'Where is he? Upstairs?'

Yoongi felt sad seeing how tried and wrecked his hyung is looking right now. He felt Jin is beating himself inside his head for Jungkook's state, just like Yoongi is doing!

His Mumma Bird ( Jinkook centric) [A BTS brotherly FF]Where stories live. Discover now