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Jungkook slowly opened his eyes and blinked, trying to adjust to the dim light filtering through the curtains. He stretched his arms and yawned, feeling a bit disoriented as he realized that he wasn't in his own bed. Then he remembered - he had fallen asleep in Jin's room, in his bed.

How long I even slept? He thought and checked the bedside clock on desk. It's 3:49 in the afternoon...I slept for almost five hours? Woah! That's quiet long for him to sleep in such odd time...

Jungkook sat up and looked around the room, expecting to see Jin's familiar figure nearby. But the bed was empty, and there was no sign of his hyung. On the other bed, not even Yoongi was there. Did he left too?

-Hyung? Jin hyung? Yoongi hyung-ie?' he called out, but just his voice echoed out in the dorm, no one replied.

Jungkook sighed and got out of bed, feeling a bit groggy and disoriented. He stumbled over to the window and pulled back the curtains, revealing the bright afternoon sunlight streaming in. He squinted, trying to adjust to the sudden brightness, and looked out at the city below.

He came out from the room to see if anyone came back home yet. As he looked around, he realized that he was truly alone. He frowned, feeling a bit sad and lonely. All of his hyungs must have left him to go to their respective schedules and commitments, and he had been left behind, sleeping like a child...

He decided to check downstairs on the kitchen. But the kitchen was empty too, and Jungkook felt a sinking feeling in his stomach. He realized that he was truly alone, and that all of his hyungs were busy with their own lives and schedules. He missed them all terribly, but he missed Jin the most.

He felt a pang of homesickness, missing his family and friends back in Busan. But he pushed those thoughts aside and tried to focus on the present. So, what should he do now?

Jungkook thought maybe food can help him to cheer up a bit. So he opened the cupboard on the kitchen that contains snacks. But as soon he opened it, his face dropped. Huh!? We ran out of snacks already?

Ok well, he can just go to the shop nearby and buy some snacks, right? So, he decided to get ready and went upstairs to get ready to step outside.

Jungkook went upstairs to his room to grab his phone and wallet. He quickly checked himself in the mirror and decided to change his shirt, opting for a black hoodie instead. He grabbed his wallet and remembered his phone is still in Jin and Yoongi's room.

As he walked inside Jin's room, he noticed his phone on the nightstand. He walked there and was about to pick it, just then he noticed that Jin had left a note on the nightstand.

Jungkook picked it up and read it, feeling a small smile spread across his face:

"Hey Kookie, sorry I had to leave for a photo-shoot. But don't worry, Yoongi will be home with you. And also I'll try to be back soon! Take care bunny- mamma bird."

He chuckled reading the nickname in the end. And just beside Jin's note, there is another note of Yoongi's:

"Jungkook-ie, hyung-ie is going to grocery, we ran out of stuffs. Will be back before dawn- Yoongi hyung."

Jungkook felt his heart swell with affection as he read the note. He realized that even though his hyungs weren't physically there with him, they still cared about him and wanted him to feel comfortable and happy.

Feeling a bit better, Jungkook got dressed and made his way to the downstairs. Yoongi hyung will surely bring snacks, but right now he is craving for caffeine so much. He will just get a cup of coffee from the café down the block and will come back, not a big deal, is it?

Or maybe...yes?

He slipped on his sneakers and headed out the door, humming a soft tune of his recent solo song...

The sun was shining and there was a light breeze in the air, making it the perfect day to take a stroll to the nearby café and treat himself with a coffee. As Jungkook walked down the street, he noticed the vibrant colors of the flowers that were starting to bloom in the gardens along the way.

He reached the café and walked inside, with the familiar sound of the bell ringing above the door. As Jungkook walked into the café, he was greeted by the familiar aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the sound of soft music playing in the background.

Jungkook looked around the café, taking in the cozy atmosphere and the smell of freshly brewed coffee. He made his way to the counter and ordered his usual Americano with a shot of caramel syrup.

As he waited for his drink, he decided to take a seat by the window and enjoy the sunshine outside. He pulled out his phone and scrolled through his messages, texting to Jimin and Taehyung for a few times who were all scattered across the city for their solo schedules, until they bid him goodbye and went back to work, leaving Jungkook hanging once again.

He put a text for Jin hyung too, but it just remained unseen by the elder. Maybe he is in shooting stage, busy...or else he will never keep the makhne hanging...

Jungkook sighed putting his phone back in the pocket and took a sip of his coffee, enjoying the sweet and bitter taste of the caramel and espresso. He glanced out the window once again, noticing a group of kids playing in the park across the street. Memories of his own childhood flooded his mind, and he smiled to himself.

It felt nice to have a moment of peace and quiet to himself, away from the hustle and bustle of the industry. Yet he misses his chaotic hyungs so much! He can't just feel sad at the fact that he barely get to even see their faces these days! But there is no way he can complain...he himself is busy nowadays!

He kept on looking on outside while enjoying the warm coffee silently, until he heard a familiar voice from the beside of his table_

~Hey! Jungkook-ie, is that really you?

His Mumma Bird ( Jinkook centric) [A BTS brotherly FF]Where stories live. Discover now