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As he rushed out of the cafe, Jungkook couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness weighing on his heart. He loved what he did, but he couldn't help but wonder if his friend was right. Would the fame and the pressure eventually destroy him? Is he really worth for nothing? Will his hyungs really kick him out of the band if they find him no use or annoying?

He shook his head, determined not to let anyone dim his light. He knew who he was, and he wouldn't let anyone take that away from him.

Shit! Shit! SHIT! To hell with Min-yeong and to hell with this shitty world!

His cursed on his mind as he stormed towards his dorm. This café solo date was supposed to be a refreshing one! But now his mood is just got to the worst peek of it! He felt like a shell of his former self. His friend's jealousy and bitterness had taken a toll on him, leaving him feeling depressed and unsure of himself. He feels depressed, dizzy, mind hazy with negative thoughts and he just feels...defeated!

What should he do? What he can do? He needs some motivation, he needs a comforting place, a safe embrace where he can just crawl and hide himself from this cruel world...

He needs a comforting warm hug...and a soft sweet voice, that will make him feel loved and safe.

He needs....his Seokjin hyung!


Jungkook paced faster towards the dorm, feeling more and more anxious with each passing minute. He had been feeling down for feel like a decade, and he just needed to talk with his mamma bird, only he can make him feel safe like he feels when he stays with his own mother. Normally, he would talk to any of his hyungs, but they were all busy with their own schedules. Well, Jin also busy currently at a photo-shoot...but Jungkook knows he will always manage his time for his baby.

It's just he don't wanna disturb anyone. But, the sinking feeling in his heart is being too much now! He can't anymore take it!

Jungkook hesitated for a moment before picking up his phone and dialing Jin's number. He knew it was selfish to interrupt Jin while he was working, but he couldn't help it.

As the phone rang, Jungkook's heart raced with anticipation. He hoped that Jin would pick up, but after several rings, someone answered the phone. He quickly started_

Jungkook: Hyung-ie-

-Hello?" the person on the other end of the line said cutting him off.

Jungkook stumbled as he immediately recognized the voice as one of the staff members who worked with Jin. And cherry on top, he doesn't quite fond of the golden makhne!

-O-oh? Umm....Anneyong! Is Jin hyung there?" Jungkook asked, trying to sound as calm as possible.

-No, he's in the middle of a photoshoot right now. What is it?" the staff member replied.

Jungkook hesitated for a moment before deciding to tell the truth.

-I'm feeling really down and just wanted to talk to him," Jungkook said, his voice trembling slightly.

-Just to talk? Are you a five years old kid? Don't you know that Jin hyung is in the middle of a photoshoot? You're always just disturbing him and the rest of the team with your silly calls. Don't you have any idea how much work goes into a photoshoot like this?"

Jungkook was speechless. He didn't know what to say. He had only wanted to talk to Jin, his hyung who always comforted him whenever he was feeling down. He had no idea that his call would cause such a big problem.

His Mumma Bird ( Jinkook centric) [A BTS brotherly FF]Where stories live. Discover now