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Jungkook took a deep breath, and then he began to pour out his heart to Jin. As he spoke, Jin listened attentively, nodding in understanding and offering words of comfort and encouragement.

He talked about how he had been feeling overwhelmed with the pressures of being an idol, and how he had been struggling with his self-esteem and his sense of purpose. He talked about how he had been feeling more and more isolated and alone when every member was becoming busy with their solo schedules. He felt tired and lonely; he just wanted to spend more times with each member like old time.

Jungkook felt a weight lifted off his shoulders as he talked to Jin. He realized that he didn't have to suffer in silence, and that he had people who loved and cared about him.

Then he finally started telling about how he met a friend from his school life suddenly and they talked about his idol life. And he genuinely said how the conversation made him feel worse than before.

Like he just started to feel like he is truly a burden to the team and one day they will kick him out...well, now that do sounds crazy to him also...but he felt too bad that time as his mind was already depressed for the lack of attention from his hyungs...then Jin also didn't pick up the call, rather the manager lee yelled on him and he didn't know what to do with all of these at that time!

And he talked how he had finally turned to unhealthy coping mechanisms like cutting to try to numb his inner pain. Once he finished he again started crying and Jin let him while he held him close to his body, Jungkook's face buried in Jin's chest and Jin just rubbed his back assuringly....Yoongi also patting his hair from other side.

After a few minutes, Jungkook's sobs subsided, and he pulled away from Jin's embrace. He wiped his tears and looked up at Jin, feeling a little embarrassed about his outburst. "I'm sorry, hyung. I didn't mean to make you cry," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.

Jin smiled at him, a small, sad smile. "It's okay, Kookie. You didn't make me cry. I was just worried about you," he said, cupping Jungkook's face in his hands. "Promise me you'll never keep anything from us again. you don't have to seek me always, try to be comfortable with your hyungs too. They all are here to help you, to hold you or at least you can just get some comfort from them even if you don't want to talk about the problems. They will always give you their attention no matter what, you should know that kook.....We're a family, and we're here for each other, no matter what."

Jungkook nodded, feeling grateful for Jin's words. He knew that he had made a mistake by not seeking help from his hyungs, but he also knew that they would always be there for him no matter what he did.

Jungkook: I know now hyung. Thank you for loving me so much hyungs. And I promise hyung. I'll try to open up more to the rest of the hyungs too from now on. I don't want to burden you all with my problems alone anymore... I won't keep anything from you guys again...also that will be fine if you can't reach me all the time, other hyungs will be able to help me."

Jin smiled, feeling proud of his brother's maturity. "That's like my boy! That's what I can ask from you, Jungkook-ie. We're all here for each other. Let's stay strong together, okay?"

Jungkook nodded, a small smile appearing on his face. "Okay, hyung.'

Jin hugged him again, Yoongi also smiled and patted his back, feeling relieved that Jungkook had finally opened up.

Jin: But....I'm still disappointed with your stupid act earlier. Cutting yourself is never the answer, Jungkook," he said firmly. "I taught you better than that."

His Mumma Bird ( Jinkook centric) [A BTS brotherly FF]Where stories live. Discover now