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Yoongi stood outside Jungkook's room, his heart racing as he tried to steady his breathing. He couldn't believe what he had just experienced - Jungkook, out of all, his youngest brother, cutting himself....Why?!

Yes, he knows Jungkook has to carry so much things since he is the center of the group, but till this day, he did that so professionally! Now what happened that broke him so much?

Yoongi sighed and pulled out his phone from his sweatpants pocket. He had managed to calm Jungkook down and get him to sleep for now, but he knew he couldn't handle this situation alone. He needed help, and he needed it fast. With shaking hands, he entered their group chat and sent a short message to all; 'Guys, come home as fast as you can. It's emergency.'

He waited to see if the eldest member sees it or not. But when he didn't, he couldn't keep it anymore and finally dialed Seokjin's number.

Jin picked up the call after three rings, his voice tired yet Yoongi understood that his hyung is trying to hide it with cheerfulness, 'Hey Yoongi-ssi! What's up?'

-Hyung," Yoongi said, his voice shaking slightly, 'Have you finished your shooting? A-are you busy?'

Seokjin noticed the change in Yoongi's voice and immediately became alert. "No? Not at all...It finished just now and I was actually about to leave for home... Why? Is everything okay, Yoongi-ah?" he asked, concern lacing his words, 'Why you sound like that? Are you alright, bub?'

-No hyung-ie, nothing is alright.' Yoongi almost cried again, he took a deep breath before continuing. "It's Jungkook. I found him cutting himself in his room, and I don't know what to do. I need your help, hyung," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.

There was a long pause on the other end of the line, and Yoongi could feel his anxiety growing. What if Seokjin didn't take him seriously? What if he thought Yoongi was overreacting?

But Yoongi was thinking wrong. Seokjin's heart dropped at the news, he was too shocked to even react. He couldn't believe that their youngest member was going through something like this.

Yoongi: Jin Hyung?' he whispered.

-Bub, stay calm, hmm? I'm just on my way," he said soft yet firmly, already reaching for his car, his voice is still calm and steady, "Just stay with Jungkook until I get there."

Relief flooded through Yoongi, and he sagged against the wall, feeling suddenly weak. He had always been the one to take care of his younger band-mates, but this was beyond anything he knew how to handle.

Jin: Yoongi, you with me, baby?' he asked concerned getting on the car.

Yoongi: Y-yeah hyung.

Jin: Where is he right now? Is he okay? Did you talk to him?"

Yoongi let out a shaky breath, feeling a sense of relief that he wasn't alone in this anymore. "Yeah, he's sleeping now. I managed to calm him down, but I don't know what to do next. I'm just...I'm really worried about him, hyung. I don't think he's okay, hyung. He was crying so much saying that he....he needs us," he said, his voice breaking slightly.

Seokjin nodded sadly, even though Yoongi couldn't see him. He can actually see the scene in his imagination of Jungkook crying and asking for his hyungs. This boy is going to be his death one day, he swears.

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the line before Seokjin spoke again.

Jin: I'll be there in twenty minutes. And don't worry, bub. We'll get through this together," he said, trying to sound reassuring, 'Just hang on.'

-Thank you, hyung," Yoongi said gratefully, his voice laced with emotion. "I'll be waiting. Please be fast."

Jin: I will love. Take care.'

As Yoongi hung up the phone, he felt a weight lift off his shoulders. He knew that he couldn't handle this situation alone, and he was grateful that he had his brothers to rely on.

He had barely hung up when his phone rang again. It was Taehyung, Yoongi replied it.

~Yoongi hyung, what's going on? Why did you tell us all to come home that urgently?" Tae asked all worked up.

Yoongi took a deep breath, trying to steady his nerves. "It's Jungkook," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.

~What about Jungkook-ie? Is he ok? Did something happened? Is he sick? But he was fine when I left-' Tae sounded like he was about run or jump from wherever the hell he was right now! Well he was always the most overprotective hyung for Jungkook as he is Tae's only dongsaeng.

Yoongi tried to cool him through phone, 'Tae! Calm down!'

Tae: Is Jungkook ok?

Yoongi: Tae-

Tae: WHAT HAPPPEND TO HIM, HYUNG?" he freaked out.

Yoongi sighed," let me speak Taehyung-ie! Don't freak out...But....I caught him self-harming earlier. I don't know what to do here alone and he also needs you all with him...if you can..."

There was a stunned silence on the other end of the line, and Yoongi could almost hear Taehyung's mind racing as he tried to process what he had just heard.

-I'm on my way," Taehyung finally said, his voice determined. "I'll be there as soon as I can."

Yoongi hung up, and sighed knowing Tae is gonna literary run away from the shoot set. He looked at his phone, wondering who will call next...well of course his dongsaengs gonna call him after what they have read on the urgent text. They will be so worried.

And how can he be wrong?

Next was Namjoon, 'Yoongi hyung?" Namjoon started, sounding concerned, 'What happened?'

Yoongi: Joon, Hobi with you in the studio, right?

Namjoon: Y-yeah! Why hyung? You need something from him?'

Yoongi: From both of you actually, I want you two home, right now.'

Namjoon: W-what? But why? Any problem? Are you fine?

-It's not about me, Joon-ie...It's Jungkook," Yoongi said again. "He's not okay. He...I caught him self-harming! I need you and Hobi here, please."

There was a pause on the other end of the line, and Yoongi could almost hear Namjoon thinking. But then he said, "We'll be there as soon as we can. Hang in there, Yoongi hyung...are others coming?"

Yoongi: They said they are on the way...

Namjoon: Alright, we'll be in twenty to thirty.

Yoongi hung up, feeling a sense of gratitude towards his fellow members. They may fight and bicker at times, but when it came down to it, they were always there for each other. Specially the leader, he can't show how much he envy Namjoon for all the things he does for the team.

And finally, Jimin was next on the list, and Yoongi picked up on the first ring.

-Yoongi hyung, what's happening?" Jimin sounded worried and mostly deeply angry, 'Tae called me and he said Jungkook is... is he really-

-Yes Jimin-ah, Tae said the truth." Yoongi said shortly. "Can you come home now?"

Jimin didn't ask any more questions, simply replying with a determined-"I'll be there soon," before hanging up.

Yoongi glanced at the clock, noting the time. He knew he had to keep watch over Jungkook until the others arrived. It was going to be a long night.

Yoongi went back inside of hopekookmin's shared room and sat on the edge of Jungkook's bed, watching his younger brother sleep peacefully. He couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt and worry in his chest as he thought about what he had just witnessed and somehow they all are the reason of it....

His Mumma Bird ( Jinkook centric) [A BTS brotherly FF]Where stories live. Discover now