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Okay, so I hope you guys are liking it so far, because I'm trying really really hard on it! If you do enjoy it, feel free to make me a happy person and leave a comment! :D <3 You guys are all so wonderful, and I loves you. ;P Anyway,  Italy starts off the chapter having a dream-(just incase you get confused) Okay! okay! I'm done! ^^ enjoy it!


“Italy, I love you.” Germany whispered, nibbling on my ear. I let out a whimper in protest and he pulls back, giving me a look. “What? Are you afraid?”

I shake my head. “I'm not afraid, but Germany, there are people around!” I gesture around us, to all the other countries who happen to be at the party.

“Oh so what.” Germany mumbles, rolling his eyes. “They can watch if they'd like.” I hit his chest with my fist and start to cry. Germany's eyes widen. “Italy? Italy! What's wrong? Why are you crying?” He caresses my cheek as I weep. “Italy?” He whispers softly, looking into my eyes. “What's wrong?”

I wipe my tears and give him a smile full of grief. “Whats wrong?” I sigh and shake my head. “You're not real. That's whats wrong.”

I wake up with my vision blurry. I sigh and wipe my eyes. “Come on, Italy.” I say to myself. Heaving a sigh. “Get yourself together.” I murmur, staring at Germany's back. I hold it together for about a second before bursting into tears again.

Why do I keep having that damn dream? Germany's my best friend, not my lover! Why do I keep dreaming of him being more than that? He's not even gay! What about you, Italy? Are you gay? I hear Japan's voice whisper in the back of my head, causing my to cry even more. Am I? I mean, yes, I think women are beautiful and pleasant to be around, but would I want to be with one? Of course you would, Italy. I say to myself, letting the tears stream down my face, still unsure. “I don't know!” I shout, flipping away from Germany and burying my face in my pillow.

“Italy?” Germany grumbles, shifting to face me in the bed. “What's wrong?” I snuggle into my pillow more and ignore him, tears plopping onto it. He places his hand on my shoulder. “Italy. Turn and face me.” I shake my head. “Italy.” I shake my head again. He sighs and wraps his hand around my arm, tugging slightly. “Don't make me flip you over myself.” He says in an uptight tone, which lets me know he means it. I sigh and face him.

His eyes widen when he notices I'm crying. “Italy!” He says softly, watching me with worry in his eyes. “Did you have a bad dream?” I nod once and stare at him, waiting for him to laugh, or make fun of me, but he doesn't. Instead he just stares at me waiting for me to explain myself.

“I...I keep having this dream, and I don't know why, but I do know it's wrong and bad...and-and, I shouldn't be having it...” I whisper, looking anywhere else but at him.

“Well, go on, tell me the dream.” Germany says, nodding in encouragement. I gape at him and wipe my eyes.

“No!” I stutter, thinking about what he would say if I did. “No! You'll think I'm weird or crazy or something.”

He chuckles. “I already do think you're weird or crazy or something.” I sigh.

“Germany, this is serious. And I'm not telling it to you. You wouldn't understand.” He gives me a look of disbelief.

“You'd be surprised what I'd understand if you gave me a chance.” I freeze. Give him a chance? What does he mean by that? Not what you're thinking it means, idiot. I say to myself. I sigh. Right. This isn't dream Germany who confesses his love to me every time I close my eyes. This is reality Germany. Straight, women-liking Germany.

“But...what if I freak you out or something? And ruin our friendship?” Germany laughs.

“Italy it's a dream, its not a flipping life choice. Just tell me what happened. Maybe I can help.” I close my eyes tight and squeeze the pillow in my arms with all my strength.

“I had a dream that you loved me. Well, I had dreams where you loved me, and in every single one of them you confess your love for me, and then dream me gets really happy, and right when dream me is about to be the happiest he can be, I wake up.” I take a quick peek at Germany's face, which is slowly changing to red, and shut my eyes again.

“You have dreams about us being together, then?” I nod.

“Pretty much.” Germany doesn't say anything. Worried, I open my eyes and look at him. “What?” I ask, unable to read his expression.

He just shakes his head. “Nothing. I'm just surprised, that's all.” He watches me as I sit up and wipe my eyes again, for the last time. No more tears. I tell myself. You've cried enough in front of him. Don't embarrass yourself any more than you already have.

“So, then, does that mean you're...” Germany trails off and looks at me.

“Gay?” I finish for him, he nods. “No. I mean, maybe. I mean...” I sigh again. “I don't know.”

“Well then.” He mumbles, sitting up next to me and pulling me onto his lap. My eyes widen as I feel his hot breath on the nape of my neck, sending shivers up my spine.

“Ger-Germany?” I say, trying not to stutter. “What are you doing?” I ask as he pulls me closer and chuckles.

“Finding out if you're gay or not. Don't you want to figure out?”

“Well, yeah, but Ger, not really like th-ah-ah-Germany! What are you doing?” I say as he kisses my neck.

“Testing you.” He grumbles, pushing me off his lap and making me sit across from him. “I already told you that. Stop asking.”

I nod. “Sorry. But Germany, really, I don't necessarily have to know if I'm gay right now. We-we-uh can wait and figure it out later, okay? You don't need to do anymore tests, at least for now.” He frowns and grabs my hand, looking at me sternly.

“Fine, I'll stop, but just let me do one more test, okay?” I nod, knowing I'll regret this.

“Okay, Germany,” I say, as he leans closer to me. “but remember that I trust you and that I put my life in your hands, so if anything goes wrong, you're at-”

“Italy.” Germany says, giving me a glare. “Hush it. Just for a second.” I start to protest but before I can, he kisses me.

My eyes go wide as he does, and for a second, I don't do anything, but right when he pulls back to say something, more than likely to apologize, I kiss him back.

I feel his whole body go tense as I do, and I realize exactly what I just did and pull back so fast I almost fall off of the bed.

And neither of us says a thing.




We just stare at each other, wide-eyed, waiting for the other to say something or even just explain themselves, but neither of us do. We both just sit there, in shock, staring.

After about five minutes of just sitting there, I finally build up the courage to say something. “Germany?” I manage to get out, my eyes wandering to his chest, which is rising up and down quicker than usual.

“Yes, Italy?” He replies,sounding a bit dazed.

“Did we just kiss?”

“Yeah...Yeah, we just did.”

I lay back on the bed and think about what just happened. “Two men.” I mumble, to which Germany looks over at me in response.

“Two men just kissed each other.” I finish, shaking my head.

Germany clears his throat and lays back next to me, turning his head towards mine. “So,” he starts, letting out a breath. “Are you gay?”

I find myself nodding. “I...I think I may be.” I whisper. Feeling anything but comforted.

“This is so fucked up.” Germany grumbles, shaking his head. “Fucked. Up.”

“Yeah,” I agree, closing my eyes and taking a deep breath. “It sure is.”

Pure Bliss-GerIta (Hetalia fanfic) *YAOI*Where stories live. Discover now