The End???!!!

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Alright. So here's the thing. 

I love this story. Really. Even though my writing was god awful and I portrayed more than half of the characters horribly, this story really made me realize how much I loved writing. 

I have never received so much support for any of the things I've written in my entire life. It's absolutely insane how many kind compliments/feedback/critiques I've gotten for this story! I mean, I never thought so many people would enjoy something I wrote. It's incredible. It feels really, really good as a writer to have people appreciate what you're puttin' down. Y'know what I'm sayin'? 

Nah, but for real. I sincerely appreciate all the support from you guys. It means a lot. 

But I'm just not into it anymore. No, no, don't misunderstand me. 

I'm still into writing--just not Hetalia. 

Now, I don't mean this in a bad way,  so don't misinterpret what I'm about to say, but as I grew older, I found myself losing interest in it. It's not that Hetalia is too childish for me or anything  like that, it's just that as I got older, my interests in anime changed rapidly. And as of right now, I just can't seem to get myself back into Hetalia. 

So as you'd expect, it's really hard to write about it, since I probably haven't seen a single episode of Hetalia since my freshman year of high school, which was roughly 2012-ish? 2011? I'm terrible with years, so I'm not too sure. 

But either way, I just can't force myself to do it anymore. 

And you guys wouldn't want to read something forcefully written anyway. It'd be garbage. 

So... yeah. That's that. No more Hetalia fanfiction. 

I'm sorry if that saddens you, but I truly feel like I'm making the right decision. And I'm so sorry that so many of you had to wait years just to hear that it's never coming back. 

Man, I'm an asshole. Damn. I'm sorry again. 

But that doesn't mean that this is the end to my writing career! I mean, I'm still writing whenever I have the chance and oh my god, you guys, I feel like I've really grown to be a decent writer over the years. It's incredible how much my writing has flourished. Let's take a little look at how much I've grown, just because I feel like we need some positivity in this post!

This was written way back in 2013. 

It's an excerpt from a story I uploaded here called "You Found Me".


  "Oh geez." I grumble, noting the line of people waiting their turn to get a cupcake. I sulk and head to the back of the line, getting a plate and a couple napkins. Tapping my foot impatiently, I wait for the line to get smaller. Someone from behind me grabs my ass, making me jump. I turn around and glare at the person behind me, instantly regretting it as I notice how much bigger they are then me. A guy with messy, dark brown hair gazes down at me with beautiful chocolate brown eyes, and smirks as I take him in. I clear my throat and smile nervously, nodding in acknowledgment. Well, it definitely wasn't this guy, I think to myself, noting his black leather jacket. He'd be more likely to mug me then to ever flirt with me. I shift in place uneasily, looking down. "H-hello...Sorry to, um, bother you, but did you by any chance see who just...touched me?" I ask quietly. 

He laughs, making me glance up at him. "I sure did." He says, raising his eyebrow. "Why?"

"Well...I was just wondering who it was." I say, watching him wearily.

"Oh?" He smirks again, making me blush. "I did." He states, shoving his hands into his pockets.

My eyes widen and I look at him in shock. "Wait. What? You did?"

Pure Bliss-GerIta (Hetalia fanfic) *YAOI*Where stories live. Discover now