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Alright, so I apologize so much for not updating in like...FOREVER! ;A; I just kinda disappeared off the face of the Earth, I know. It's just, sometimes I get so much writer's block and it just kills me and asdfghjkldmcirenkdm...I don't even know. Anyways, thank you guys so much for all your comments! It made me get the inspiration to update and that really means something. So thank you~ <3 I love you guys, and enjoy! Oh, and this chapter is a bit more serious, but bare with me, after this chapter it'll get fun/humerous again! I promise! <33333 And you know, what's about to go down is a little, *Wink, wink* enjoyable, :D Have fun!


I didn't fully process what I'd just done until after I'd done it. I pulled back quickly, opening my mouth to apologize to him, but before the words could leave my lips, Italy kissed me.

When his lips met mine for the second time, I felt a spark. Something just...clicked. Before I could kiss back, and believe me, I wanted to, he pulled away looking at me in shock.

For what seemed like forever, neither of us said anything. I was too buried in my thoughts to speak, but eventually Italy managed to say my name, forcing me to say something back.

“Yes, Italy?” I asked, my mind still clouded with thoughts;

Thoughts of him, mostly. Thoughts of him laughing, crying, smiling innocently...

“Did we just kiss?” Italy whispered, looking just as confused as I felt.

“Yeah..” I managed to say, “Yeah, we just did.” My mind travels back to Italy again, but not just to Italy himself, but to Italy and me...Us, together, in love. I try to push the thoughts out of my head. It's wrong, I tell myself, I mean its-

“Two men.” Italy mumbles, making me glance over at him. Was I just saying my thoughts out loud? Or did he just finish my sentence by pure coincidence? I watch him wearily for a moment, before he continues.

“Two men just kissed each other.” Italy finishes.

I clear my throat and lay next to him, feeling dizzy. “So,” I start, wanting-no, no-longing to hear his answer. “are you gay?”

Italy nods slowly, looking distressed. “I...I think I may be.” He mumbles, making my heart skip a beat with excitement. Why am I so happy all of a sudden? I shouldn't be...Italy is struggling with his sexuality, and here I am all giddy over the fact that he might actually like men. God, I'm so self-centered...

“This is so fucked up.” I say, shaking my head. “Fucked. Up.”

“Yeah...” Italy mumbles, closing his eyes tightly as he takes in a deep breath. “It sure is.”

I sit back up and look over at him. “Hey, Italy?” He opens up his eyes to peek at me, his face getting a tad bit red as he does so.


“Howabout I kiss you, again, just to make sure? Ya know? Just to...” I take in a big breath, trying to find the courage to finish. “Make sure. Maybe clear up your confusion.”

Italy blushes and nods, moving to position himself in front of me. “Okay...” He squeaks, obviously as embarrassed as I am. “Go for it.”

I gently place my hand under his chin and pull him to me, placing a gentle kiss on his lips. Italy kisses me back tenderly, and we both pull away to look at each other. “I...I love you.” I whisper, watching as his face gets as red as one of Spain's tomatoes.

“Germany!” He exclaims, his breathing quickening. “W-what do you mean, you “love me”? I mean, of course, y-you do...Cause we're friends and...all.” He watches me, unsure and anxious.

“I mean as in a lover. Not as a friend, Italy.” I state, crossing my arms. “What about you? What's your response?”

He blushes, yet again. “My response? Wasn't what I just said considered a response?” I shake my head and frown.

“I was expecting you to, you know, maybe say it back?” Italy's eyes widen and he shakes his head quickly.

“Uh, Ger-I mean, Germany, c-come on...I-I-I don't know what I feel about you right now...” He stammers, clearly uncomfortable.

“I think you do.” I say, raising an eyebrow as he stiffens.

“Why do you t-think that?”

“Well, because you're stuttering for one,” I say, laughing. “and for two, you keep blushing.”

He smiles nervously and runs a hand through his hair. “What does that ha-have to do with anything? I mean, how does that prove that I l-love you?”

I grin. “Because if you were having this conversation with Japan, you wouldn't be doing those two things.”

Italy frowns. “What do you mean?”

“I mean, Italy, that you get nervous around me, that you're flustered when we're talking, showing that you more than likely love me. People get nervous around the person they love.”

“So,” Italy whispers, barely audible. “is that why my heart is beating like a million times a minute?” I nod. “And why I feel as though I'm about to faint?” I hesitate, but then nod. “And why I'm about to kiss you again?” I nod, not fully processing what he said until he kisses me hastily, gripping onto my shirt tightly. I kiss back hungrily, unable to control myself any longer. If he was expecting a sweet, soft kiss, he was going to be disappointed. I push him back onto the bed and get on top of him, straddling him. Italy whispers my name, making me blush as I lean down and kiss him again. He pulls my shirt off of me. “Finally,” He mumbles as he takes it off of me. “I finally get to see Germany's chest.” He whispers against my lips, running his hands along it as I continue to kiss him.

“Germany,” Italy gasps, making me pull back and look at him “I-I think that I really do lo-”

“You guys!” Japan shouts, barging into the room looking excited. “Guess who just called and-” He stops and stares at the two of us. “Oh. Oh. I didn't...I'm sorry.” He mutters embarrassed.

I jump off of Italy and pull back on my shirt, taking a deep breath as Italy does the same. “It's okay...” Italy grumbles, obviously feeling a bit annoyed at Japan. If he hadn't barged in, Italy and I would have-my eyes widen as I realize just where that was headed. Italy and I were going


“GODDAMMIT JAPAN!” I shout angrily. “Italy and I were about to have sex and you just ruined it!” I say, watching as Italy sucks in a deep breath.

“Uh oh...” Italy mumbles, looking at Japan.

Japan blushes and slowly backs out of the room. “I-I'm sorry...I was just going to...It's my bad...”

Pure Bliss-GerIta (Hetalia fanfic) *YAOI*Where stories live. Discover now