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Yet another fast update! :D Enjoy it, my loves. Enjoy it! <33333


Italy was...troubled. It was obvious.

“Italy?” I murmured as I placed the day's breakfast on the table. “Are you alright?” I asked, slightly concerned.

Italy looked up at me, forced a smile, and nodded. “I'm fine. Germany left for a little, but he'll be back.”

I shrugged and nodded. “Oh. Okay. Where'd he go?” Did he go to the store? I told him to let me do the shopping! He never knew what to buy!

“Uhm...I'm not sure. But he'll be back.”

I thought about this. Italy didn't know where Germany was? Wow, something was up. “You sure...everythings okay?” I repeated, placing my hands on my hips. I heard Greece chuckle softly from behind me, but I ignore him.

“I'm positive.” He answered, sitting down at the table and grabbing a bowl full of rice and egg.

Something told me he was lying, but I decided to let it go. Maybe I was losing my mind. Maybe I was imagining things. I couldn't help but scowl as I remembered what could be making me go a bit delusional.

Turning around slowly, I glared over at Greece, who stood there, leaning up against the counter. “What?” He mumbled, cocking an eyebrow as he stifled a yawn.

I shook my head and sat down at the table myself, motioning for Greece to do the same. I mean, I couldn't just let him starve...And Germany was gone for the moment, so...There was enough...

I sighed softly. I was trying to come up with excuses for doing things for Greece. His words echoed in my head as I took a bite of the rice. “Someday, you'll just know too.” I grinded my teeth together as I tried to push that thought out of my head.

No. I wasn't being nice to Greece because I was in love with him. I was being nice to Greece because Greece was my friend. That was all.

He was just a friend.

I blinked and snapped back into reality, glancing over at the man that filled my thoughts for the time being. He smiled at me pleasantly, as if he knew exactly what was going through my head, and he was trying to make it more complicated.

“You alright, my love?” He asked, making Italy glance over at him, then at me.

I scoffed. “Love? Oh please. Yeah right.” I shook my head and mouthed “He's joking” to Italy. My gaze fell back on my rice after, and I bit my lip. “And I'm perfectly fine, thank you.”

Greece sighed sweetly, sounding as though he were in some kind of fantasy, and everything was going the way he wanted it to. Good grief. He was always the daydreamer.

I smiled just a tad as I tried to imagine his number one dream coming true.

Him, becoming a cat.

I snickered quietly. Oh, that'd be something to see.

“Japan, how come you were so sweet last night, and now you're all grumpy and mean?” Greece asked curiously.

I shrugged. “Just being myself. I guess I came to my senses.” I stated flatly. Greece's head snapped up, and he watched me for a moment, but he remained silent.

I met his gaze and raised an eyebrow. “What?” I allowed myself to steal a glance at Italy. He was dead silent, staring blankly at his food.

“You came to your senses?”

I nodded, looking over at Greece. “That's what it must be, if I'm acting so differently.” He frowned and went back to eating his own bowl of eggs and rice.

“Are you saying...You weren't yourself last night?” He asked, I looked up at him, slightly puzzled as I tried to think of what I'd done that had been so significant to him.

“I guess?” Another sigh. I took one last bite before getting up and placing my bowl in the sink. As I walked back to the table, I placed my hand on Italy's shoulder and smiled.

“It'll be okay. Whatever is worrying you. Germany will be back.” I murmured before heading back to my room. Greece quickly tossed his bowl in the sink and followed after me.

When we were both in my room, he closed the door and watched me silently.

“Shouldn't you get going?” I asked, to which he shook his head in response.

“I'm staying until I know.” He said with a sad look in his green eyes.

“Know what?”

“If you truly meant what you said back there, or you did it because of Italy.” I took in a deep breath and sat down on my bed.

“I guess...a little of both.” I stated honestly.


I nodded.

“But...why wouldn't you have been yourself last night?”

I shrugged. “I don't know, Greece. Maybe it was just me being tired. Maybe I was just acting out on a random whim, and not thinking about it before I did it.” He nodded, looking a bit thoughtful.

“I can work with that.” He mumbled, taking a step closer to me. I stepped back.

“That's a little too close.” I stated in a worried tone. He smiled slightly. “What...are you doing, Greece?” I asked softly.

“Trying to kiss you. That way if you like it, you'll know it's not just because you were tired or out of your mind last night.”

My brown eyes widened as I took another step away from him. “Oh, no you are not. You can't just declare that you're going to kiss me and then expect me to allow it!” He sighed.

“You're really gonna make this hard on me?” I rolled my eyes.

“I guess so, if this is how you're gonna be.” I mumbled stubbornly. He laughed and made his way to the bedside, squatting down so he was on my level. Leaning over, he went in for a kiss.

Part of me, suddenly, wanted to lean forward. To meet him halfway.

But another part of me, the rational part, told me I shouldn't. That this wasn't a good idea at all.

As his lips inched closer and closer to mine, my thoughts grew blurry, and I couldn't think straight. A couple seconds too late, I decided to listen to the rational side.

But unfortunately, I was a little too late, and the next thing I knew his lips were on mine.

I blinked, my eyes wide as my lips parted, giving Greece the entrance he wanted. He took my offer eagerly, deepening the kiss as his arms wrapped around me and pulled me off the bed, into his lap. I made a soft, almost inaudible sound of protest, but he ignored me.

Within a minute, I find myself kissing back. It was unintentional, of course. And I had no idea why I was doing it, but it was obvious that part of me was enjoying this.

Greece whispered something against my lips, but I couldn't seem to understand anything at the moment. Everything around Greece and I was dull, unimportant. None of it...stuck out like it should. It was as if all of it was slowly fading, leaving just me and Greece, here, kissing.

After another minute, he pulled back, taking in a deep breath. I did the same, my eyes wide with fear. I didn't know what was wrong with me.

Why had I kissed back? Why was the world around to two of us unimportant when he was here? Why had I...felt something, when his lips met mine?

“What's wrong with me?” I whispered aloud, bowing my head slightly, hiding my face.  

Pure Bliss-GerIta (Hetalia fanfic) *YAOI*Where stories live. Discover now