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Weelllll here you guys go! Hope you like it! <: Thank you for still sticking with the story even though my updates are as slow as...a snail trying to cross the worlds widest road...Yeah. That's pretty slow. Anyhow, enjoy it. And comment. And tell meh what you think! 

I love you guys. A whooooole bunch! And I'll try to update quicker next time! C: <33333


I wasn't sure what to do with myself. After the kiss, the kiss that made me rethink everything...

I just...I didn't know. All of my thoughts were mangled, and strange. Nothing rational had entered my mind for the past couple of days. I'd immediately pushed Greece out of the house right after the kiss and hauled myself into my room, unable to come out until I could think straight again.

Everything. Was. Wrong.

I was a man. Had I forgotten that? I was suppose to love women. Women.

What was wrong with me? How come part of me had...had...liked kissing Greece? I obviously wasn't suppose to. I shouldn't have...yet, I did.

“Stupid Greece...” I muttered under my breath as I leaned back against the wall behind me. Closing my eyes, I tried to let my mind rest. After a couple vivid images of me and Greece entered my mind, I quickly opened them, deciding right now wasn't the right time to let my mind...wander...like it was.

If it weren't for that stupid...stubborn...

“Japan,” A soft voice whispered from my bedroom door, causing me to jump slightly. Good grief, why was I so jumpy? It wasn't Greece's voice. Calm down...

“Italy?” I asked aloud as I opened the door, straightening out my clothes as I smiled at him. Italy's brown eyes were glassy, and he sniffled loudly.

“I don't think he's coming back,” Italy confessed, the tears that were in his eyes now sliding down his cheeks. “and I don't know what to do...” I found myself scowling, part of me angry at Germnay for leaving without any notice, part of me saddened to see Italy in such a way. He didn't deserve to be going through this. I thought Italy and Germany were happy together. Hadn't they been together? Why had Germany left?

Was it something Italy had done that made him leave? As my eyes wandered Italy's face, I found myself realizing that was probably what Italy thought. I mean, it was the logical answer. When two people are in a relationship, no matter the gender, when one leaves the other, it's normally the other's fault...

I winced, not wanting to say anything like that to Italy. He didn't need it pointed out to him. I'm more than positive he came to his own conclusions in the past few days since Germany had been gone. “Why don't you go sit down in the kitchen.” I stated finally, giving him a big reassuring smile. “I'll cook you something. You look like you need some food in you.” I patted his shoulder awkwardly, then moved past him and headed towards the kitchen.

Italy followed after me silently, and I hummed to myself as I walked.

When we came into kitchen, Italy slumped into one of the four wooden chairs seated around the table and let his head rest against the cold wood. “I miss Germany...” Italy whispered softly, his shoulders shaking just enough to hint off that he was crying. I bit my lip, wishing I could do something for him.

You could bring Germany back. I blinked. Oh yes, I suppose I could do that...But how? How would I find him? Maybe I could ask one of the Allies...I frowned, picturing me talking to America.

No, no. That wouldn't work...Maybe...My eyes widened. “Britain.” I said aloud, smiling. Me and Britain weren't that close, but we weren't true enemies. We had actually hit it off quite well when we spent a day alone together.

Pure Bliss-GerIta (Hetalia fanfic) *YAOI*Where stories live. Discover now