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After dinner was finished, I took up the job to do the dishes knowing neither Japan nor Italy would be capable of washing the dishes to the spotless condition I like them in. Sighing and running a hand through my hair, I place the dishes into the sink and turn on the hot water, grabbing the sponge. As I start to scrub the leftover lobster juice from the first plate, I let my mind wander onto the subject of the one and only, Italy.

I think about how weak he is, and how he always ends up getting in trouble or kidnapped, and needing me to come and rescue him...I think about him singing the song he wrote for me awhile back, and how no matter how strange and weird the lyrics and he himself may have been, I had still loved the song to death.

Moving on the the next plate, I start to hum the tune without realizing, and continue to wash. After I finish up the last plate, I move on to drying them. Singing aloud to the song now, I grab a towel from the drawer under the sink, and carefully dry off each and every droplet of water from the plates, making sure they are almost in perfect condition. Just how I like them.

Once they're dry, I place them where they belong in the cabinets and turn around only to become face to face with none other than the lovely Italy. I instantly feel my face go bright red as I realize what I just did. And in front of Italy.

“Italy!” I yell, partially in shock and partially in embarrassment, taking a step back. “You frightened me!” Italy smiles.

“Sorry Germany.” He looks from me to the fridge, and then back to me. “I was just going to get another Coca Cola before I went to bed!” He giggles quietly, probably because of the thought of me singing, and I roll my eyes.

“Italy, do you even realize just how bad those are for you? They're unhealthy, and drinking them before going to bed is a bad idea. It'll keep you up and prevent you from getting the sleep you need.”

He waves me off. “Oh, Germany! Have a little fun!” He says playfully, moving around me and going to the fridge. “Although,” he starts grabbing two Cokes from the fridge. “you seemed to be enjoying your time alone!” He gives me a huge smile and holds out one towards me. I shake my head.

“I, unlike you, want my sleep.” I mumble, taking it from his hand and putting it back in the fridge. “I'm honestly starting to think that America gave us them just because he knew that they would come to annoy me so quickly...” I grumble, shaking my head. For a split second, everything is silent.

“PASTAAAA!” Italy shrieks from his position next to me, making me jump.

“Italy, what are you-” I stare at the empty Coca Cola can now rolling away from us on the floor. “oh no.” I whisper, placing my hand on Italy's shoulder. “Now Italy. I want you to calm down right now, before anything gets out of ha-”

“PAAAAAASTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!” Italy shouts again, running out of the kitchen.

“Italy! Come back here!” I yell impatiently, following after him. Only Italy himself could get hyper off of one can of Coca Cola within the first three seconds of having it.

“NEVER! YOU'LL JUST HAVE TO CATCH ME!” I hear Italy shout from one of the many rooms in the house. This is going to be a really long night, isn't it?


“Italy...” I whisper, slowly walking into his own room. “Are you in here?” I ask calmly, hoping for a response.

“No.” Italy whispers from what sounds like the closet. “I'm actually in Japans bedroom, hanging with him. You should go check there for me.” I laugh, inching closer to the closet door.

Pure Bliss-GerIta (Hetalia fanfic) *YAOI*Where stories live. Discover now