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*** I am so sorry for the lack of updates...My laptop died on me and now all I have is my iPad; that being said, because I'm posting/typing from my iPad the format may turn out a little funky or something (idek) so if it does just try to bare with it. I'm tryingggg. But thank you all so much for your support, I appreciate it, and if I can I want to be updating again this weekend! Yayayay. So yep. Please enjoy this chapter--and if it's short, I'm sorry. xD I can't tell on my iPad, honestly. But yeah, let me know in the comments if this is any good! ***

"How long are you going to lock yourself up in there?" Spain asked cheerfully, sounding genuinely curious for my answer. That dumb bastard...

"Go away, Spain," I hissed softly from underneath the comfort of my blanket. "I don't want to see you; not now, not ever." I could hear him chuckling from outside the door, and I heard him place something down onto the floor.

"But, I brought tomatoes," he murmured, barely loud enough for me to hear. "Oh well, into the trash they go..." He grumbled, causing me to grit my teeth. Throwing the blanket I was hiding under onto the floor, I slid off of the bed, taking a couple steps towards the door.

"You brought tomatoes?" I repeated, placing my hand on the door handle, prepared to unlock it in one swift movement, just so I could grab the damn fruit and shut myself away right after. "Are they good?" I wasn't entirely sure why I wanted to keep away from that idiot Spain so badly, but for some reason it seemed to be one of my top priorities; at least it was today, I guess.

"Of course they're good, Roma. You know I would never bring over anything bad," I could literally hear his smile in his voice, and I scrunched up my nose in response.

"If you're lying to me," I began, to which he responded with,

"When have I ever?" Damn him, and his honesty...

As quickly as possible, I unlocked the door, yanking it open. The moment I did, I met Spain's joy-filled gaze, and for some godforsaken reason, as he held out the bag of tomatoes to me, my cheeks reddened. "Thank you," I huffed, looking away from him for a brief moment to examine the bag of freshly grown tomatoes. They did look phenomenal, like always.

"Are they to your liking, Roma?"

I nodded, taking a step back into my room. I hated him sometimes, just because he always seemed to be so, damn perfect..."He makes my heart do that weird fluttery thing, too..." I murmured aloud, unintentionally confessing to the fact that I did feel something different for the brown-haired male. Something I didn't feel for anyone else, no matter how much I wished for it to be the exact opposite. That damn...

"I make your heart do that weird fluttery thing?" Spain asked, causing me to jolt out of my thoughts and watch him nervously. He took a step closer, his normally happy smile replaced with a more mischievous one. One that seemed to dumbfound me, one that made sure it was nearly impossible for me to find my words. "Could you explain it more, for me, Roma?"

"Uh...Well..." I glared up at him, my face probably as red as those damn tomatoes. "Stop calling me that, you bastard! It's Ro-ma-no!" I dropped the bag I had been holding up until then, placing my hands against Spain's chest and pushing him backwards. "Just go! Leave! Shoo! I like my time alone!"

Spain just laughed as I did, obviously not aware of just how life-threatening I could be. "You use to hate being alone, you big baby. I remember once when you threw a gigantic fit because I left, and then-"

"Shut up!" I interrupted, attempting to punch him in the jaw. He easily caught my hand, bringing it up to his lips.

"What? Why can't I reminisce?" He asked sweetly, letting go of my hand after he placed a small kiss on it. "It's not like I'm telling some secretive story that you don't want anyone else to ever know about. Plus, it's just you and me, Romano..." He gave me a reassuring smile. "But if it makes you that upset, I'll stop." His green eyes seemed to shimmer as he watched me.

Pure Bliss-GerIta (Hetalia fanfic) *YAOI*Where stories live. Discover now