*Wes H. - Policeman

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Requested by k4therine609


Bottom Wes because he seems like one.



Policeman - Eva Simons

Fem!oc x Wes Hicks


"Hey, Mr. Policeman. I don't want no trouble."



Wes and you have been friends since kindergarten, but you guys lost touch when you both went to different high schools. Now, you're both in college. He finds you in an alley smoking, and he decides to take you back to his dorm for the night.


Third Person POV:

As you blew the smoke from your lips, you heard the sound of somebody walking on the gravel.

Your head turned to the direction of the noise. The cigarette in your hand dropped, as did your mouth.

"Wes?" You smiled, walking toward him.

He backed away, laughing quietly.

"You reek of ashes." He smiles as he looks at you.

"Come on, we haven't seen each other in years, I at least deserve a hug!" You whine.

"Maybe when you get in different clothes. Also, it's late. Why are you out at 10 pm?" He sighs.

"I could ask you the same thing."

You walked closer to him. This time, he stood there, not backing away.

"I was... bored and couldn't sleep."

You hummed in response, your finger slowly slithering down the taller guys chest.

You could hear his breath become heavy.

You smiled at the reaction as you looked up at him.

"You're already so flustered."

"Oh, shut up. Let's just get you home."

"Let me go to yours. I have been home alone for 2 weeks since my roommate decided she wanted to go visit her boyfriend who lives in fucking New York."

He laughed at your annoyance.

"Oh, you think me being mad is funny?"

"Yeah, really."

"Fuck off, just take me to your house."

"Yes, ma'am." He teased, grabbing your hand as he dragged you to his car.

As he opened the passenger door, you smiled.

"I'm not some helpless little princess. You don't need to open doors for me."

"Well, I'm sorry for being a gentleman." He sighs.

You rolled your eyes as you sat in the car. A few seconds later, Wes sat in the drivers seat.

Looking out the window, you smirked.

About 5 minutes later, the car stopped, and you and Wes went into his house.

"How's Judy?" You asked as he struggled to unlock the door.

"She's doing good." He mumbled, finally getting the door open.

The both of you walked in and went to Wes's room.

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