Ethan L. - Me and the Devil

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fem!oc x Ethan Landry

Me and the Devil - Soap&Skin


"Me and the devil, walking side by side."



Ethan reveals to you (personally) that he is the Ghostface killer who has been taunting you and your friends from several years.

You threaten to tell the police and your friends, of course, but he threatens to kill you and your friends.

Scared, you listen to him. As you walk out of the dark alley, you're now surrounded by a bunch of people, but Ethan has a knife up his sleeve, ready to drag you into an alley and kill you if you tell somebody.


Y/n L/n POV:

I look up at the tall, masked killer in front of me.

He brings the knife to my face, not moving it as he backs me up into a wall.

"Why am I the only person you haven't hurt?" I whisper, tears in my eyes.

My tears roll down my face and onto the cold, sharp knife.

The person brings the knife back to their side.

Suddenly, they stab it into the wall. I flinch as more tears roll down my cheeks.

"Because you're... special." The raspy voice replies.

"I'm not." I look up at them.

The person chuckles.

"Who are you...?" I squint my eyes as I lean closer to them.

"Guess." The person relaxes their shoulders as they look at me, tilting their head.

I think, who's suspicious? Mindy did suspect Ethan. But also Quinn and Anika.

What if it's Tara, Sam, Chad, or even Mindy?

Fuck. Okay, rounding it down to the most suspicious people. Sam, Mindy, and Quinn.

"Sam." I spit out.

The person chuckles behind the mask as they look away.

"No. Guess again."

Now that only rounds it down to Mindy and Quinn. It has to be Mindy. She knows a lot.


"Definitely not."

"Quinn!" I almost yell.

The person steps back and then grabs the mouth of the mask.

My eyes widen as I see the person pull it off.

"Ethan...?" My voice cracks.

He smiles as he looks at me.

"Ah, it was a bit obvious. Not being there the night of Quinn and Anikas murder? That should've given it away real quick, I'm surprised you didn't guess me. You even guessed Quinn, and she's dead!" He laughs.

"Fuck you."

"No, no, no. We already played that game. Now, it's time for you to die." He raises the knife to my neck.

I look at him with tears in my eyes.

"You won't do it."

"I won't. Yet. It's not your time to go. That's later, along with Sam and Tara. And that stupid jock show off, Chad." He trails off.

"You're not getting away with this. I'm gonna tell them. The police, our friends. Mr. Bailey. He's gonna kill you for what you did to Quinn!"

"Oh, then that would make him the bad guy."

"You've killed more people. And with your anger issues, you'll probably swing first. It'll be self-defense, and that's legal."

"Oh, but my reason was also self-defense. They immediately hit me or tried to get me away when I showed up, so I just.. defended myself." He smiles widely as he presses the knife harder against my neck.

I groan in pain.

"They only hit you because they know what you would do. They recognized the mask from decades ago. They knew you would kill them. You're a monster, Ethan."

"No, I'm not the monster. You are. I already have it all set up. We are going to frame you guys. Y/n and Sam, the Ghostface killers of 2022 and 2023. How would Bailey react if he knew that you killed his daughter?"

"And how are you going to frame me for the 2022 Woodsboro attacks, exactly?" I smile.

"Easy. Everybody already believes that Sam killed Amber and Richie and orchestrated it all. All we have to do is place a few things in your apartment, such as Ambers necklace."

"Who is we?"

"Oh, you know I can't tell you that, sweetheart."

He looks at me, smiling.

I sigh, and then I kick him in the groin.

He groans in pain as I try to run out of the alley.

Suddenly, he grabs my arm and throws me deeper into the alley.

I groan in pain as I scrape my elbow.

"Shit." I whisper as I look up at him.

He walks closer to me, gripping his knife as his eyes are wide.

"If you tell ANYBODY, I will make your death so much more fucking painful. You will SUFFER. I don't care if I'm your boyfriend, I never even loved you. You're a little bitch." He says through grit teeth.

"Get up." He demands.

I follow his orders, getting up. He grabs my arm and takes off the robe. He hides the knife up his sleeve as he drags me out of the alley.

I look around, there's hundreds of people on the street.

"If you try and scream for help, I'll kill you right then and there. There's so many people on the street that I could walk away and nobody would notice." He whispers in my ear.

I elbow him, but he doesn't budge.

"Don't even try."

I'm basically walking beside the fucking devil right now. He could kill me in an instant.

He chuckles as he waves to passerby. Nobody suspects anything because he's just the shy, dorky kid.

I spot Tara on the street, and I wave.

"Hey, Y/n." She smiles as she comes over to me.

"Hi, Tara." I smile.

"Oh, are you guys on a date right now? I'm sorry to interrupt."

"Yeah, we are. We'll see you around, Tara." Ethan blurts.

I groan, looking at her.

"Are you sure? Y/n doesn't look very happy.."

"Yes, I'm sure. She's my girlfriend, why wouldn't I be sure?"

I look at her, wide-eyed.

"Well, Sam actually has to discuss something with her."

"I don't think now is the time--"

"Yes, it's the perfect time. We can go see that screening of THE KILLER some other time!" I look at Tara and then him.

Tara looks at Ethan and then me. Suddenly, she punches Ethan straight in the nose.

Tara grabs my hand and runs off with me.

I look behind me, Ethan is running toward us.


I laugh.

"HE'S THE KILLER??" Tara asks.



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