Tara C. - Mary

684 11 10

Requested by Damon2010

Mary - Alex G

Fem!oc x Tara Carpenter


"Mary is the girl that I wanna kiss. She's got big red eyes and big red lips. She's got big sharp teeth and big fat hips."



You've had a crush on Tara ever since you met her in Blackmore, and the only people who know are Anika and Mindy.

They've invited you over to their dorm to talk about her, but what you don't know is they also invited Tara over a few minutes before you and that she's hiding in their kitchen.


Y/n POV:

"MINDY!" I yell as I run to her and Anika.

"Let me guess, it's about Tara?" Mindy asks.

"Again." Anika laughs.

"Okay, yeah. But listen! I caught her looking at me in class, and when I looked back at her, she looked away quickly and went back to writing!" I go on a rant as I smile.

"ACTUALLY?! SHE LIKES YOU, GIRL!!" Anika pushes on my shoulder as she smiles.

I laugh as I look at the both of them.

"Yeah, she's 100% into you." Mindys tone is sarcastic as always.

"Okay, now you're just saying that." I chuckle.

"Maybe. But I'm pretty sure she likes you back. I mean, she's always picked you as her science partner. She's held your hand, and now she's looking at you."

"So tell her, Y/n!" Anika hypes me up more as she smiles wider.

"Ahh, but what if I'm wrong about this whole thing? What if it's really just a miscommunication?" I worry, scratching the back of my neck.

"Are you serious, Y/n?" Mindys face drops.

"Come on, she totally likes you! Mindy just pointed out all the things she's done. Those are signs! She's waiting for you to make a move and / or catch on!" Anika adds on.

"Yeah, so go ask her out already!" Mindy says, now pushing on my other shoulder along with Anika.

Suddenly, Tara walks up to us.

"Ooh.." Anika mutters as she looks at me.

I nudge her as I smile at Tara.

"Hey, Tara." Mindy finally says.

"Hi, guys." She smiles.

"Come on, nows your chance.." Anika whispers in my ear.

I look at her as I kick her ankle hard.

She yelps as she forces a smile.

Tara looks at her and awkwardly smiles back.

Mindy and Tara talk until Tara looks at me.

"Hey, Y/n. I wanted to ask if you could help me with my writing assignment?"

I watch her lips move. They look so soft. I wonder what they would feel like on mine.

"Y/n?" Her voice snaps me out of my trance as I begin to talk.

"Oh, yeah. Sure, of course I'll help. What are friends for?" I see her smile slightly fade, but it's still there.

"We can do it at my dorm if you'd like." She smiled.


"Okay. Well, I'll see you around." She waves goodbye as she leaves.

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