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"Iseul!" I turned as I was walking into the gate and saw Jungwon and Seeun walking towards me. I wave at the both of them, using my free hand as a visor to the beaming sun that was getting into my eyes.

"Hey! Seeun is enrolled to our school until her and her mom get their own place! It's good that she has us and won't be lonely" Jungwon explained the presence of the girl.

"Oh that's cool!" I offered her a smile to which she returned.

We all walked through the extreme together, "Oh wait, what class are you in?" I asked Seeun.

She slowed down trying to grab something from the side pocket of her backpack. "Oh it's um," her eyes wandered the paper looking for her class, "Class A."

We had already come to a halt, standing and talking instead of walking. "You're going to be in Iseul's class!" Jungwon took a closer look at the paper in her hand.

"Yay!" She pulled me into a side hug that caught me off guard.

We both said bye to Jungwon since he had to walk to his class and we were already at the door of our classroom. "Theres an empty seat next to me and Hana you can sit there if you'd like" I suggest.

"If it's okay with you?" She asked probably not wanting to seem clingy, which I get since it's her first day being here and I'm the only person she kind of knows.

"Of course it's okay with me" I didn't want her to feel awkward because I know that feeling of being around new people and feeling out of place.

I introduced her to Hana and they seemed to get along pretty good, they were friendly to each other. They made small talk for the remaining time left before our teacher walked in. Mr. Ha, our history teacher read us the agenda for todays class, presenting to us a new group project that he had planned for us. Which earned groans from the rest of the students.

The only good thing about this project was that we were able to choose our groups, after much convincing. I just automatically assumed that Hana, Seeun, and I would be working together since me and Hana always worked together when we had the opportunity.

"Okay so I was thinking that if we divide the work equally we can have enough time to make the slide show look decent. You guys can take parts one and four. I'll do two and three, and then tomorrow we can start thinking of how we're going to present the information. Does that sound good or should we do something different?" I asked at the end.

"No that sounds good to me."

"Yeah same."

"Okay the let's start we only have like an hour."

Whenever I'm in group projects I always choose to do the longest or hardest parts because I've learned from past experiences that if you want something to be done right you have to do it yourself. It's a win-win for everyone anyways, they don't have to do as much work and I can make sure I'm satisfied with the end results.

I checked the time and noticed that we only had 20 minutes left before we had to start cleaning up. I looked at the work that they had done, "Wow, we've actually done good so far" I told them, we're basically more than 70% done.

"We're just too good, what can I say?" Hana joked flipping her hair. Earning a laugh from both me and Seeun.

I noticed that she was looking up at me a bit nervous with her worksheet in her hand, "Do you think this is good or should I get more evidence on it?"

I read over what she had, "No I think that should be good for now" I assured her. She mumbled a quiet okay and went back to finish the rest of her part.

LOVER | YANG JUNGWONWhere stories live. Discover now