Scripted apology

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I froze in my spot after standing up from my bed, it was that time of the month. I should've known, guessing from the lower back pain I was having and the major mood swings recently. I tried to run to the bathroom without staining myself if that was possible.

I hated the fact that I was starting it in the beginning of the week. Now I'll have to deal with it for the rest of the week. If I got it during the weekend then there would've been two less days of torture at school. There was nothing worse than going to school with a period, I always felt gross and icky.

The walk to school that never seemed to be long, did today, making me wish I took the bus instead.

"Why do you look like death?" Hana asked me, her face scrunching up.

"Thanks Hana! You really do know how to make someone feel amazing" I gave her a sarcastic smile.

There was still fifteen minutes before class started so most students were still around the halls or front of the school with their friends. I just decided to go to my class now. The sliding doors of the class opened a little further exposing the face of Jungwon who peaked inside, looking around. He noticed me staring at him in confusion and made an 'Ah!' motion from his spot. He walked towards my table.

"Hey Seulie." he leaned onto the table in front of us, hands held to the edge of it.

"Hi," I greeted back, not as enthusiastic as him. "Do you have any pain relief pills?" I asked Hana in a hushed tone.

"Nope," she popped the p. "Sorry, why don't you ask the nurse?"

I groaned in annoyance and held onto my stomach letting my forehead rest on the table.

"Whats wrong?" He asked to no one in particular.

"She's on her period." Hana responded nonchalant.

"Hana!" I looked up at her, eyes wide in surprise of her straight forward comment.

"What?" she shrugged.

I looked at Jungwon who looked a bit awkward, face turning a bright shade of red. "Are you okay? Do you need anything?" he asked concerned.

"Im fine, thanks." I gave him a small slanted smile. I noticed that the person who filled in the third seat of our table was nowhere to be seen.

"Is Seeun not here today?" I asked Jungwon, assuming that he would know since they most likely walk to school together. "No, she skipped today to help her mom go house hunting, they're going to move out soon. Her mom got the job she was hoping for." he told me.

"Oh that's great! Tell her I say congrats" he said he would, "It's a little sad, you know, not going to have her around anymore". It now occurred to me that they were living in the same house for a while now. Obviously I knew they were living together but now that I really thought about it that meant they saw each other almost every minute of the day. At school to when they fall asleep. Why did I feel so bothered about this? Im not even in the position to be caring this much about it, yet, I do.

I brushed off the feeling, turning to Hana who asked me something about fridays homework. Jungwon, who was previously looking down at his phone looked up at me. "Would you be down to go to Niki's house after school? He asked me to invite you, we're just going to hangout. Only if you're feeling okay though, I don't want you to go if you're feeling sick." He added the last part.

"That sounds fun! I'm sure I'll be fine to go" I told him.

"Okay, well if you change you're mind let me know." He nodded, "maybe we can do something else. We could watch a movie or whatever you feel like doing."

LOVER | YANG JUNGWONWhere stories live. Discover now