... In love... ✨

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My alarm blared causing me to instantly wake up, I let out a sigh as I realised it was a new day. My hand reached over to shut off the alarm, the annoying noise stopping immediately. I blinked tiredly as I slowly stood up, my orbs focused on my closet, thinking of what I was gonna wear.

Fortunately... I wasn't like other girls so of course my sense of style was superior. Opening my closet I find a bunch of jackets, oversized hoodies and gothic clothes. I decided that I would actually try and dress nicely today. I picked out a black band tshirt, a leather jacket, oversized pants and boots. I quickly put my hair into a messy bun


I made it to the local café ordering a black coffee since I wasn't like the other girls. But then I saw my bullies, my eyes widened in shock as they spotted me. I gasp... afraid.

(Bully 1): "Oh look, it's Y/N!"

The bullies laugh.

(Bully 2): "Looking garbage as always LAWL!!!"

I start to tear up as they picked on my appearance... I didn't care... but it hurt...

(Bully 3): "Ya get a sense of style, Y/N!"

They laugh again as my tears flow freely down my cheeks. I sniffle trying to fight back my tears. I felt one of the bullies pick me up by the back of my collar, taking me into an alleyway... oh no... they were gonna beat me up!

"L-l-l-let me go!" I yell in desperation... but no one heard me and no one wanted to help me. "W-w-w-what d-d-did I d-d-do to you?!" I cry as I try to fight back, the bullies backed me into a corner about to punch me. That's until...

"Hey!" A mysterious voice called out, I looked up to see a real angel. I blushed...

(Bully 1): "Erm who the heck are you!"

(Bully 2): "What a freak... let's get out of here..."

(Bully 3): "Ya. This isn't over, Y/N."

I smile as they all ran off, the mysterious person coming closer. It was... a skeleton monster, I stare up at him in shock. "Hey... what's your name? And who were those girls?" The mystery skeleton said.

I told him my name. "T-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-those a-a-a-a-a-are m-m-m-m-my b-b-b-bullies..." I stuttered anxiously, my orbs quivering. "W-w-w-w-whats y-y-y-your name?"

(Mystery skeleton): "Oh, my name's Dream, but everyone calls me Swad."

(Swad): "Are you okay? You seem pretty scared from those girls... I can take you back to your house." He smiles.

I slowly nod, anxiously taking his hand. "L-l-l-l-l-let's go..." I blush at his little smile.

Was I really falling for this skeleton? He wouldn't like me... He was out of my league... He would never like me back... no matter what I did... and I had to accept that fact...

(Swad): "Y/N... you're pretty quiet... are you sure you're okay?" He asked concerned...

"Y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-yes... I'm okay... I-I-i'm K-j-just falling for... y-y-you..." I stuttered anxiously, blushing as I realised what I said. I quickly covered my mouth, quivering and shaking hoping he didn't hear what I said.

(Swad): "What was that?"

"N-n-nothing, i-i-i-idiot.."

(Swad): "okay... well let's go back to your house."

The end of Chapter 1.

Swad x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now