...At home... ✨

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We made it to my house and at that point it was already dark again, Swad took me by the hand and walked me inside. I felt a lot better after getting saved by Swad from those bullies. And Swad was sooo dreamy... he was the perfect man... it was a shame he would never like me back. I teared up at the thought... Swad quickly taking notice...

(Swad): "Y/N... are you okay?"

"Y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-yt—y-y-y-y-yt-y-y-yeah.. I—i—i—i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-im o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-on-on-o-o-o-okay..." I sniffled, quickly wiping my tears. "I-I-Im j-j-j-j-j-j-just t-t-t-thankful you s-s-s-saved m-me f-from tt-those bullies..."

(Swad): "of course I saved you... it was the right thing to do..."

"Y-y-yeah... b-but w-who w-would d-dare h-help a-a m-misfit like me... I-it w-would r-ruin y-your l-life... i-i b-bet t-those g-girls a-are a-already p-posting A-about y-you..." And right as I said that I got a notification on my phone... I quickly looked being mentioned in a photo... it was of me and Swad walking together... they were writing so many mean things about me and Swad.

"s-see..?! i-i j-just r-ruined y-your l-life... n-now e-everyone i-is g-going t-to b-bully y-you..." I start to tear up again, my orbs quivering while looking at the floor.

Swad cupped my cheek, making me look into his orbs. 

(Swad): "It's okay... I don't care what others are saying about you and me on the internet..."

He wiped my tears, I blushed and he did too. 'Did he like me back?' I thought, my heart beating at the thought of me and Swad being together... 

"R-really?" I questioned... "M-most guys w-would faint at b-being c-called o-out o-on t-the i-internet..."

(Swad): "Heh... I guess you could say I'm not like other guys."

I blushed... we were so perfect together... he wasn't like other guys and I wasn't like other girls. I liked tomboy things while other girls liked girly girl things... I didn't like make up either... would swad really like someone who wasn't like other girls...?

"W-well... t-thanks s-so much... I-I really a-appreciate it..." I sniffled again, feeling happy once more. 

(Swad): "No problem, Y/N... I'm here for you..."

I smiled, fixing my loose hair behind my ear. "W-w-w-w-well... w-w-w-w-what would you like to do n-now?"

(Swad): "Tell me about yourself, Y/N... what's you're favourite band and what other things do you like?" He smiled.

"W-w-w-w-well... I-I-I-I-I c-c-c-c-can s-s-s-show y-you..." I smiled... taking out my cd player... putting on music from one of my favourite bands... (BTS) the music started playing and I could tell swad liked my music tastes.

"W-w-well...w-w-w-what do you think?"

(Swad): "w-wow y/n... y-you have really good music tastes... I haven't seen any other girl like music like this..."

"Y-yeah... I know..."

(Swad): "Well you'rre really special, y/n..."

I blushed and smiled again. "C-c-could i add you t-t-to my c-c-contact L-list..." I asked nervously.

(Swad): "yeah."

He took my phone and typed his number in, my orbs focused on him. I smiled as he handed the phone to me again. "W-w-well..." i put my fingers together (👉👈) "I-it's g-getting kinda late..."

(Swad): "I suppose."

"H-h-how about i s-see you again tomorrow, swad?" I asked nervously my hesrt beating.

(Swad): "sounds perfect... see you later y/n." He smiled and winked, leaving my house.

I blushed at his wink... quickly jumping in bed with excitement.

I guess I found my new crush...

The end of chapter 2.

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