Chapter 21 - 30

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ଓChapter 21

    Yi Shuyun's voice was not low, and there were already visiting eyes looking over, and Han Huilan's face was a little ugly when she noticed those eyes.

    She took a deep breath before forcing herself to show a motherly smile, "Your sister is joking with you, so don't take it to heart." "

    As a sister, I naturally don't care about my sister." Yi Shuyun's eyebrows and eyes were gentle and reserved, Like a good and understanding sister.

    The corner of Yi Shuyan's mouth twitched, she looked down at Yi Shuyun on the sofa in disbelief, how could this still be the stupid sister who was the Virgin Mary back then!

    Since when did she become? Yi Shuyan's mind was running fast, yes, her changes started from the day she woke up in the hospital. The loss outweighed the gain, it didn't poison her to death, but it inspired a change in her character.

    Yi Shuyun glanced at the wonderful expression on Yi Shuyan's face lightly, feeling very comfortable. The female supporting role who oppresses and persecutes the heroine everywhere, suddenly finds out that the silly Baitian at the beginning has become difficult to deal with, and I must be very nervous.

    The rain outside was already getting smaller, and Han Huilan, who had been aggrieved for a long time, pretended to be polite and asked Yi Shuyun: "Are you going back to Ye's house or with us?" "I'm not sure yet, you guys go back first." Yi

    Shuyun Although Yun didn't want to go back to Ye's house, he didn't want to be with the mother and daughter either.

    Han Huilan and Yi Shuyan let out a long sigh of relief at the same time, stepped on high heels and walked outside with their heads held high. They sensed that the glass door was separated to both sides because of the two walking in, and the tall bodyguards waiting outside greeted them in time with umbrellas.

    Yi Shuyun leaned lazily on the sofa behind him, and watched them go down the steps outside under the protection of two bodyguards. The two large umbrellas protected them impeccably, but the bodyguards were a little pitiful, half of their bodies were bathed in the in the rain.     I have to say that the original heroine is too down-to-earth. As the daughter of a wealthy family, she is always protected by bodyguards when she goes out. Fortunately, she only focuses on Ye Jinhan's iron tree and never demands full-time bodyguards and driver.

    Yi Shuyun twitched her lips helplessly, she had been in for so long, even though she had a driver to pick her up when she went out, she didn't have those flamboyant bodyguards.

    Speaking of it, Yi Changmin, a father, is sometimes very eccentric. Even if the original heroine did not ask for those hard-core conditions, it is impossible for him not to understand the truth of a bowl of water. To put it bluntly, there was only one reason, he didn't love the original heroine's mother that much.

    The mother of the original heroine is a veritable daughter of a rich family, and the only daughter of the family. She was held in her hands and cared for since she was a child. She has a very pure nature. She met Yi Changmin during college, and she has no resistance to his passionate pursuit. force. Although ten thousand parents were unwilling, after the two graduated, the grandparents of the original heroine still agreed to the relationship between the two, but the condition was to marry.

    Yi Changmin's background is not bad, and his family has opened a processing factory, but compared with the background of the original heroine's mother, it still looks too shabby.

    Yi Shuyun was very suspicious that Yi Changmin's approach to the original heroine's mother was only for money and power. No one would be tempted by such a huge amount of wealth.

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