Chapter 81 - 90

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ଓChapter 81

    Han Huilan patted her daughter's arm lightly a few times, then turned to Yi Shuyun with a yin and yang eccentricity and said, "In these years, a person must have suffered a lot outside, right?" Yi Shuyun turned his eyes to Han Huilan's

    painted With a thick layer of powder on her face, she said with a faint smile, "It's still a job, but it's much better than when I was under your nose."

    Han Huilan was a little embarrassed by this merciless words, and her face turned red Pale for a while, Hong Yan's lips parted, and he didn't say anything to fight back for a while.

    Yi Changmin walked in from the outside at this time, "Okay, don't get stuck here, Shu Yun has been on a plane for several hours, let her go to rest first." The deflated Han Huilan's face was even more embarrassing, but

    also I dare not refute my husband.

    Yi Shuyun walked into the former room, almost three years ago, the furnishings of the room are still the same, it seems that it has just been cleaned.

    She had just taken off her coat and hung it up, before she had time to sit down, Yi Shuyan followed in.

    Yi Shuyun glanced at her indifferently, ignored her, walked to the bay window by himself, and stretched out his hand to open the gauze curtain.

    Yi Shuyan closed the door first, then approached Yi Shuyun, and asked in a low voice, "What is your purpose for coming back this time?" After sitting down on the cushion on the window sill,

    Yi Shuyun raised his eyes and stared at Yi Shuyan, Tsk tut twice: "It's been three years, why haven't you succeeded yet."

    Yi Shuyan's face flushed instantly at these words, and the hands hanging by her side unconsciously pinched the hem of the jacket, which looked like a Both aggrieved and wronged.

    She pursed her mouth and felt sulking for a long time before she said aggrievedly: "So what if you didn't succeed, didn't you also have been in love with brother Jinhan for many years without fruit." Yi Shuyun took it for granted: "That's why I gave up


    " Those words made Yi Shuyan's eyes light up, "So, you didn't come back to snatch Brother Jinhan from me?"

    "Yes, yes, you can rest assured now!" Yi Shuyun reminded her impatiently, "Can you stop talking about brother Jin Han all day long, I'm listening."

    "I want you to take care of it!" Yi Shuyan pouted, turned around and walked away arrogantly.

    Early the next morning, Zhao Yunrui drove to Yi's house to pick up Yi Shuyun.

    It wasn't until this time that Han Huilan knew about the changes that had taken place within the Yi family. The reason why she rushed to marry Yi Changmin was to get his money. Fortunately, the old-age insurance was gone, and she was buried in Yi Shuyun's hands .

    So for the first time in her life, she lost her temper in front of Yi Yanmin, and she slapped the chopsticks on the dining table forcefully.

    "Yi Changmin, did you and Yi Shuyun plan all this in advance? It was to guard against our mother and son. Shuhao is your only son. You gave Yi Shuyun the company, and his future What should I do?"

    Yi Changmin frowned and glanced at her, without explaining too much, continued to drink porridge slowly.

    However, Han Huilan's hysterical words made Zhao Yunrui, who was watching the fun, laugh. He turned around and went out after laughing enough, went back to the dining table with a portfolio in the car, and handed the things directly to Yi Chang, who was scolding his wife. In front of Min.

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