Chapter 61 - 70

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ଓChapter 61 Signing the Agreement

    After coming to this world for so long, it was the first time for Yi Shuyun to enter Ye Jinhan's room. To be honest, it was still somewhat different from what she had imagined. She thought that Mr. Ba's bedroom should be at least two to three hundred square meters in size, and that the decoration was luxurious and full of money.

    But Ye Jinhan's room in front of him is conservatively estimated to be only more than 100 square meters, and the decoration style is also luxurious and simple. The overall color is dark gray, but fortunately there is a light yellow and bright chandelier, so it doesn't look so monotonous and indifferent.

    Yi Shuyun stretched out his hand and pressed the sofa under him. The sofa looks simple and ordinary, but the material is high-quality, so it must be expensive.

    Although reason told her not to visit casually, it would be impolite, but she got up uncontrollably and began to inspect the room.

    On the left side of the door where the sun can shine is the sofa she sat on just now, and on the right side of the wall 30 meters away diagonally is a wide bed, which looks to be three meters by three meters. It was the first time she saw a bed of this size.

    There is a table next to the bed, and the bedside lamp on the table seems to be made of crystal. Yi Shuyun found that the author likes crystal products very much, not only in Ye Jinhan's house, but also in the hostess's house. s things.

    Skip the bed and go inside to find a spotless and spacious cloakroom. At the end of the aisle on the left side of the cloakroom is the bathroom.

    Yi Shuyun vaguely heard noises in the bathroom, no wonder he didn't see Ye Jinhan, probably taking a bath in it.

    She stopped in her tracks, turned around and prepared to leave quickly before Ye Jinhan noticed.

    As soon as he lifted his right foot, there was the sound of the door opening behind him, and Yi Shuyun's scalp tingled for a while.

    Ye Jinhan was also taken aback when he saw Yi Shuyun, he stretched out his hand and pulled another towel to cover his naked upper body. When he stepped out of the bathroom, he asked, "Why are you here?"

    Yi Shuyun turned around bravely, and explained embarrassingly: "Aunt Yan was afraid that you would be hungry, so I asked me to bring you a bowl of noodles. Since the noodles have arrived, I'll go first."

    "Don't leave in a hurry, I'll draw up an agreement later, and you sign it before leaving." Ye Jinhan said as he passed her, and walked straight to the sofa.

    protocol? Are you going to dig a hole for her? Yi Shuyun followed up with doubts, and asked: "What agreement to sign?" "

    We only reached an agreement verbally in the afternoon, but we still need a contract as a guarantee."

    Ye Jinhan took a cushion and threw it beside the coffee table, Then he sat down on the top, moved the bowl of seafood noodles in front of him, picked up a piece of crab meat and put it in his mouth.

    Yi Shuyun walked over and sat down on the sofa opposite him, "Guarantee? You don't trust me?"

    Ye Jinhan raised his eyes and looked at her for a moment, then asked, "What do you have that I can trust?"

    Yi Shuyun: "..."

    Ye Jinhan: "Transferring money from a private account is no better than using a public account. What if I give you the money in the name of a personal gift and you regret it afterwards and still want to marry me?" Although Yi Shuyun

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