Chapter 41 - 50

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ଓChapter 41

    Yi Shuyun felt resentment and jealousy from those few paragraphs of text, this Yi Shuyan really had Ye Jinhan in her mind besides Ye Jinhan.

    Since the last kidnapping incident, Yi Shuyun has never seen Yi Shuyan again. The first thing Yi Yanmin did when he got home was to reprimand her. She even sent a message at twelve o'clock that night Ask Yi Shuyun if she said something bad about her in front of her father.

    Because Yan Yuhua publicly expressed his support for her at that time, Yi Shuyun ignored Yi Shuyan.

    After many days, she didn't expect that this person would have to contend for such a laborious matter of serving the boss.

    Yi Shuyun turned off the phone and closed his eyes again.

    Yi Shuyan over there couldn't wait for a response, so she called Yi Shuyun directly, and her response was: "Sorry, the number you dialed has been turned off."

    Yi Shuyan threw away the phone angrily, and didn't sleep well all night .

    At six o'clock in the morning, before the sky outside was fully lit, Yi Shuyun opened her eyes. As soon as she put away the quilt and stuffed it into the cabinet, the nurse pushed the door open from the outside.

    A nurse wearing a pale pink nurse uniform came in pushing some bottles and cans. She glanced at the lines on the instrument, then raised her hand to lift Ye Jinhan's eyelids, and checked her pupils.

    Finally, he turned around and asked Yi Shuyun, "Has he not woken up all night?"

    Yi Shuyun was not sure: "No." Ember Han probably didn't wake up, because he didn't wake up in the original plot.

    These unclear words made the little nurse frowned, but because of Yi Shuyun's identity, the other party didn't dare to say anything, but leaned over and pricked the needle on the back of Ye Jinhan's hand.

    After adjusting the speed of the infusion, the nurse told Yi Shuyun: "If the patient wakes up, please remember to ring the bell to call the doctor."

    "Understood..." Yi Shuyun nodded her head twice in a row, but she felt a little guilty in her heart. She seriously suspected that this nurse also admired Ye Jinhan, because she clearly felt the hostility emanating from him.

    After the nurse left, Yi Shuyun took advantage of the spare time to go to the bathroom to wash her face and brush her teeth. When she came out of the bathroom, Yi Shuyan just pushed open the door of the ward.

    Yi Shuyun glanced at the time, it was not yet seven o'clock, and indeed Ye Jinhan was the only one who could make Yi Shuyan wake up so early.

    When Yi Shuyan saw Ye Jinhan who was unconscious on the hospital bed, her eyes were red immediately, and she stepped on ten centimeter high heels and walked straight to the hospital bed with small steps.

    Yi Shuyun stared at her big eyes in amazement. This person cries whenever he says, doesn't he need to brew it?

    I saw Yi Shuyan sitting sideways on the hospital bed, gently holding Ye Jinhan's slender fingers, and began to twitch.

    Yi Shuyun stared at the movements of her hands, and clicked twice: "Yi Shuyan, you really have double standards."

    "I don't understand what sister means." Because she was afraid of being seen by outsiders, Yi Shuyan could only pretend The weak little white rabbit even speaks in a clip tone.     Yi Shuyun sat on the sofa from a distance, and said quietly: "You were not so gentle

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