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—THE STRONG SALTY WATER CRASHED AGAINST THE SIDES OF THE ship as it came into the port of Kingslanding. Morganna could see a knight standing on the mainland, waiting to collect them.

As the boat came to a stop, Daemon stepped off the ship before offering his hand to his wife to help her off board. Rhaenyra gladly took Daemons hand and stepped off the boat after him. The future Queen and Rogue Prince then turned toward the knight in the white cloak and began toward him.

Lucerys climbed off the boat after them with young Joffrey at his side, holding tightly onto his hand.

Morganna and Jacaerys each held one of the twins for their mother while she made her greetings. Morganna was holding Aegon on her hip while Jacaerys had Viserys on his shoulders playfully.

Jace stepped off of the boat first and then turned to his sister who he knew would struggle in climbing off while holding one of the young twins. The Brunette prince lifted Viserys off his shoulders and sat him on his hip while he offered his other hand out to Morganna.

With a soft smile of gratitude Morganna allowed one of her hands to reach for her brothers hand while the other held Aegon steady on her hip. Jacaerys squeezed his fingers against Morganna's palms as he helped her step off of the boat.

"Thank you." She said in her usual quiet voice.

Jacaerys smiled with a nod, "Of course sister." He replied before stepping aside, allowing her to make way toward the knight first.

Morganna shifted young Aegon on her hip slightly before striding toward where her mother appeared to be standing awkwardly before the knight, with Daemon smirking at him.

"The Queen sends her apologies for not being able to collect Princess Rhaenyra and her family upon arrival." The man spoke, his curly dark hair falling around his neck. "If you'll follow me up to the castle, the Queen is awaiting you there." He said before quickly turning and making his way up the stairs.

As Rhaenyra, Daemon and Morganna made their way into the castle, they were greeted by the Queen Alicent standing in the Throne Room, her hands clasped in front of her. Jacaerys and Lucerys had since wandered off to the courtyard to watch the duel going on between the knight whom had escorted them and another she wasn't aware of.

"Princess Rhaenyra." Alicent greeted, her expression stone cold as she looked toward Rhaenyra and her family, clear to holding a dislike toward the lot of them.

"Where is my father? I wish to see him." Rhaenyra replied, ignoring the Queens cold greeting.

"The king is not well-" Alicent went to explain, only to be quickly cut off.

"Where is my father?" Rhaenyra spoke, more firm and persistent this time.

Alicent then nodded her head, "In his chambers resting, he is not well." She said.

Rhaenyra then put a hand on her daughters upper arm, "Perhaps you would enjoy the company of the library? The castle still hold the books you favoured as child." She suggested, clearly not wanting her daughter to see the King in a sickened state so early into their visit.

Morganna understood what her mother meant and so the Princess nodded her head in silence.

Rhaenyra gave her daughter a smile, "Daemon will retrieve you later before the trial begins." She said before letting her daughters arm go and beginning her way off toward the Kings chambers, with Daemon at her side.

Once Rhaenyra and Daemon had disappeared down the hallway, the Queen moved her gaze over to Morganna, a cold expression still present on her face. "It's been quite some time Princess." She spoke.

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