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—MORGANNA STRODE INTO THE DRAGONPIT, A SMILE ON HER face as she did so, for this was the first time she would meet more of the Targaryen dragons. She was curious to see what the Greens dragons looked like, especially Aegon's Sunfyre, who was said to be the most beautiful dragon in the world.

When the witch gazed around the large dome, she was met with the sight of the Princess Helaena humming softly to her glorious blue She-Dragon, Dreamfyre. Helaena rested her forehead against her dragons forehead as she hummed melodies, a soft smile on her face as she did so.

Morganna tucked her hands behind her back as she made her way over to the pair. "This is the famous Dreamfyre?" She asked as she came to Helaena's side.

The silver haired Princess seemed startled by Morganna's appearance and flinched slightly before moving her purple eyes to meet Morganna's green ones. Helaena nodded in silence.

Morganna frowned, "Do correct me if I'm overstepping Princess, but have I perhaps done something to upset you?" She asked.

Helaena remained quiet, her eyes dropping to the floor as if unsure if she should say anything.

"I would have hoped we could be friends Princess." Morganna added.

Helaena then moved her eyes back to look at her dark haired niece. "You're... how do I put this?.." Helaena began, though she took a pause as she thought on how to word herself. It was clear she was nervous to speak to Morganna. "You're violent.. you seemed to take pleasure in Vaemond's death."

Morganna frowned and tilted her head, "This is why you have not spoken to me?" She asked, rather surprised this had been the reason for Helaena's silence.

Helaena nodded, her hands trembling slightly, causing Dreamfyre to hiss and bare her teeth toward Morganna.

"Do I frighten you Princess?" Morganna asked.

"Your nature frightens me." She admitted sheepishly.

Morganna frowned, "My nature?" She asked.

Helaena shook the topic off, not wishing to speak on it any further. "I have said to much, please can we move on from this?"

Not wishing to make the silver haired Princess uncomfortable Morganna complied assuringly. "Of course Princess, I apologise if I've upset, but I was hoping we could start again?" She asked gently.

Helaena nodded, though she still seemed very unsure. "I must get going." She said before quickly hasting off, leaving Morganna and Dreamfyre behind her.

Morganna frowned as she watched the Princess disappear out of the Dragonpit doors, it seemed her attempt at befriending Helaena had failed miserably. This was not the end of her attempts, she was determined to become friendly with the Princess, she believed the two of them had quite a bit in common.

"Princess Morganna." Aegon's voice said greetingly as he came up behind the witch, his golden dragon following close at his heels.

Morganna turned around to face him with a sigh of dread. "Prince Aegon." She said in reply, her hands placed on her hips, showing her displeasure of Aegon's company.

Aegon pouted, "Don't look so miserable to see me Princess, I know you have eyes for me." He teased proudly as he reached his hand over his shoulder to scratch Sunfyre's nose before adding, "See? Sunfyre agrees."

Morganna scoffed and rolled her eyes, "If I have eyes for you, then I'll gladly gouge them out with my own knife." She said in disgust as she turned her back on the Prince.

Aegon stepped toward Morganna and grabbed her wrist, gently tugging the girl back to face him. "Don't act so crude Princess, I don't fancy a challenge." He said, his voice delicate and smooth with a slightly alluring touch.

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