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AFTER THE TRIAL HAD BEEN CONCLUDED MORGANNA STRODE out of the throne room and into the garden for some peace and quiet. She had surprised herself on how vocal she'd been, though she supposed it came down to the protectiveness she held over her family.

As the witch glided through the garden, observing the flowers as she passed them by, foot steps came up behind her until they ended up right at her side.

"Hello Princess." Aegon greeted as he walked alongside Morganna.

The girl glanced over at him, "You're Prince Aegon?" She asked.

He nodded, "And you're my half sisters witch." He replied with a smirk.

She rolled her eyes, "I would prefer if you wouldn't refer to me as such, just Morganna is fine."

Aegon chuckled, "Well you are her witch, aren't you? You practice magic and the like?" He questioned.

She glared at him, "Im no one's witch, and what I practice is none of your business my Prince." She stated pointedly.

Aegon only chuckled again, "There isn't a need to be so defensive, I was merely curious." He said, finding amusement in how passive aggressive the girl was being.

Morganna gave Aegon a silent nod before moving off, leaving him behind her. She could tell he was nothing but trouble, and she preferred not to associate herself with him. Now his sister wife on the other hand, that was someone Morganna was keen to find, she wished to get to know the Princess Helaena better.

As the witch Princess made her way back into the castle to seek out the Princess Helaena, she was stopped by her mother whom came up behind her. "There you are, I've been looking for you everywhere." She said with a chuckle.

Morganna frowned at her mother, "Is something wrong?" She asked.

Rhaenyra shook her head, "No nothing like that. It's just.. well we're all expected to attend dinner tonight with the Greens, and I wanted to make sure you would be okay with it? I don't want you to feel overwhelmed." She said as she took her daughters hand.

Morganna shook her head reassuringly, "I'll be just fine mother, thank you for worrying for me." She said with a soft smile.

Rhaenyra smiled, "Then perhaps you would like to get ready together? The Queen Alicent has gifted you a dress, it's in your chambers." She said.

Morganna frowned, "Why would she do that?" She asked, finding the matter rather odd.

Rhaenyra chuckled, "You know about as much as I do I'm afraid." She replied before hooking her arm with her daughters and beginning off down the corridor to Morganna's chambers.


—MORGANNA HAD PUT ON THE DRESS ALICENT HAD GIFTED HER, it was a gorgeous white gown with long sleeves and a skirt that dragged behind. The witch twirled in front of the mirror and to her surprise, she found herself rather fond of the dress.

Her mother smiled at the sight of her in the gorgeous dress, "You look beautiful." Rhaenyra said.

Morganna turned and faced her mother, returning the smile. "As do you, they do not call you the realms delight for nothing." She said as she looked over her mother dressed in a beautiful black dress with a wide neck that revealed Rhaenyra's shoulders.

Rhaenyra's cheeks turned to a soft pink, "I fear I've since outgrown that title." She admitted sheepishly.

Morganna shook her head, "Nonsense, you're still the most beautiful woman in all the seven kingdoms." She said as she put her hand on her mothers forearm.

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