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THE NEXT MORROW THEODORE AND MORGANNA WERE WALKING to the Dragonpit as Theodore had insisted on seeing her dragon for himself. She was reluctant at first but after his continued insistence she eventually gave in, she just hoped Balerion would behave himself. Morganna had explained before they left that Balerion was rather protective over her and warned him not to make any sudden moves that might startle him.

As the pair entered the Dragonpit, they were met with the gleaming gold scales of Sunfyre looking back at them. Aegon and his dragon seemed to be heading out for flight. The Prince smiled when he saw Morganna.

"Princess, you're up early." Aegon said as he approached the Princess, his gold dragon following close at his heels.

"Lord Theodore wished to see my dragon, Balerion." She answered, a courteous smile on her face. Although her and Aegon weren't on any bad terms, she still didn't exactly like him, or rather, how smug he could be.

"Ah, so he has an interest in dragons?" Aegon asked as he turned to look at Theodore.

The Baratheon nodded, "Indeed my Prince, I've never gotten much opportunity to see them up close."

Aegon smiled, "Then perhaps you'd like to meet my Sunfyre? He's what many call the most magnificent dragon the world has ever seen, and I'm sure you'd agree." He said, one brow raised with a smug smile.

Morganna narrowed her eyes suspiciously upon Aegon, what is he up to? She wondered.

Theodore was reluctant, "He is beautiful, but I was hoping to meet my betrothed's dragon, I'm most certain he's just as glorious a sight as his rider." He said.

"Nonesense." Aegon said as he put one hand on Theodore's shoulder before stepping aside and gesturing with his other hand toward Sunfyre.

"There's plenty of time to meet Balerion." Morganna assured with a smile.

Theodore nodded his head unsurely, "Very well, then I'd love to meet your dragon, my Prince." He answered, though he still didn't seem all too keen. Sunfyre was known for having a bit of a nasty streak, especially toward other people.

"Wonderful." Aegon said as he pushed for Theodore to approach his golden dragon.

As Aegon dragged Theodore away from Morganna, a hand wrapped around her waist and tugged her away, outside of the Dragonpit. She yelped in fright but was quickly shushed.

"Quiet, he'll hear you." Aemond's voice said.

Morganna turned to face him, "Aemond? What on earth are you doing??" She asked, though more demandingly than intended.

Aemond smirked, a chuckle escaping his lips, "Giving you some freedom, surely you don't want to spend your day with him." He replied, emphasising 'him' with a tone of disgust.

Morganna looked at her uncle with an amused expression, "You don't like him, do you?" She asked.

"I despise him."

"What did he do to you? I think he's quite a gentleman."

Aemond couldn't say that he hated Theodore because of jealousy, not yet at least, so he chose a lie, that he was sure would be good enough to fool her, or at least diverge any suspicion she might have.

"He's an egotistical cunt who thinks he's better than everyone."

Morganna scoffed, "When did he ever give such an impression, he might be a bit cocky, yes, but he definitely doesn't think himself better than others."

"He definitely does." Aemond replied.

Morganna giggled, one hand held over her lips, "Sounds like someone I know." She said accusingly.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2023 ⏰

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