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—BY THE NEXT MORROW MORGANNA HAD COMPLETELY PUSHED aside the thoughts of her run in with Aemond and Aegon yesterday and was now focusing on the delicious fruit held in her palm. She and Lucerys had woke up early with a picnic. The two had hardly spent much time together and it was as wonderful time as ever to get to know each again as teenagers. Morganna smiled as she glanced to the side at her younger brother who was chowing at a slice of chocolate cake, small bits of chocolate dotted on either side of his lips.

"Brother, you have a little something right here." Morganna said as she pointed to her own face to show Lucerys where the chocolate was.

"Oh-" Lucerys said, his cheeks going red from embarrassment as he quickly wiped off the chocolate from his face. "Sorry." He apologised sheepishly.

Morganna shook her head with a reassuring smile, "Don't apologise." She said with a chuckle before scooping up a slice of cake and taking a bite, intentionally smearing a streak of chocolate under her bottom lip.

Lucerys smiled, feeling better that his sister did not judge him and instead made herself look just a fool as he. It meant so much to the both of them that they were able to spend some time together after hardly knowing each other their whole life. Lucerys had always wanted to have a relationship with his older sister, he'd idolised her for her understanding, her ability to adapt to the unfair and lonely circumstances she'd been presented with her entire life. And Morganna had always wanted a relationship with her brother, she adored her siblings and only wanted to get to know them, to be able to celebrate their namedays with them and to fly on dragon back alongside them.

Perhaps now she'd get such an opportunity.

"I'm sorry.." Lucerys suddenly said, guilt laced in his tone and sadness behind his eyes.

Morganna looked at her brunette brother with a frown, "What ever for sweet boy?" She asked.

Lucerys couldn't meet her eyes as he spoke, he felt too ashamed. "For letting you live a life of solitude when I could have done something, perhaps if I'd been braver and spoken to mother she wouldn't have locked you away." He admitted, slight tears forming in his eyes.

Morganna's heart ached to think Lucerys blamed himself for how Morganna's life had been. The girl shuffled toward her brother and wrapped him in her warm embrace, resting her chin on his head and hushing him. "Do not blame yourself Lucerys, it's no one's fault." She spoke gently, assurance in her words.

Lucerys couldn't help but cry slightly, not from sadness, but from the love and safety he felt in his sisters arms. The curly haired boy wrapped his arms around his sister with a sniffle. "I love you Morganna." He said, not at all feeling nervous or uncomfortable about such words.

Morganna smiled and squeezed him gently before kissing his brunette hair. "I love you too Lucerys." Her voice was gentle and soothing.

The boy pulled away from his sister with tears sliding down his pale, freckled cheeks. Morganna chuckled slightly as she raised her finger and wiped off his tears. "Do not cry brother, smile, let me see that bright grin of yours." She said.

Lucerys then let his lips curl into a soft grin, his white teeth sparkling slightly in the sunlight. Morganna then stood up from the grass and began packing up their picnic. "Come, we should head back before mother gets worried." She said.

Lucerys smiled and jumped up from the ground to help his sister pack up the basket of left over fruit and bread. Once everything was cleaned up the two siblings began their way back to the red keep, earning many stares and strange glances from the small folk as they went, most of those glances were pointed at Morganna. Although she didn't like it, she expected to receive such looks, being locked away most of her life and then suddenly being reintroduced to the realm as a teenager definitely caused for people to feel strangely about her.

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