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—MORGANNA WOKE UP EARLY THE NEXT MORROW TO MEET Helaena at the Dragonpit. They'd both had such a wonderful time together last night at dinner, just speaking of their different interests, cracking jokes and basically just enjoying each others company. The two were going dragon riding to watch the sunrise together. Morganna was already so incredibly fond of the Princess Helaena and she wished to spend many more times with her.

The dark haired witch sat on the stairs outside the Dragonpit as she awaited the Princess Helaena's arrival. It was still very dark out and she hoped the Princess didn't get herself lost. However Morganna's worries were soon put to rest as a three figures appeared out of the darkness. Morganna frowned, she wondered whom the other two figures were, considering it was only suppose to be Helaena. Perhaps they were guards escorting the Princess?

However as the figures got closer, all were revealed with silver haired atop their head. Morganna knew immediately it was Aemond and Aegon at their sisters side.

The witch was less then pleased that they were accompanying Helaena, but perhaps they were simply escorting her? Or at least that's what Morganna hoped.

"Good morning Princess Morganna." Helaena said with a smile, delighted to see her new found friend.

"Morning Princess Helaena." Morganna replied before casting her eyes to Aemond and Aegon, "Are you two escorting Helaena?" She asked.

Aegon smiled smugly, "On the contrary, we're here to join her, aren't we brother?" He replied, turning to look at his brother.

Aemond stood tall and proud, "Indeed we are." He answered.

Morganna couldn't help but face palm internally, great, so they'd be coming along. The witch disliked the two princes strongly, but would act accordingly for Helaena's sake so the morning wasn't ruined with immature arguing.

"I hope that's alright with you Princess?" Helaena asked as she took Morganna's hands into her own and gave them a squeeze.

Morganna had to force a smile, "Of course it is, shall we get going? We'll miss the sunset if we continue standing around." She said, gesturing to the entrance of the Dragonpit.

"Please." Helaena answered as she skipped gracefully past Morganna and into the Dragonpit to collect Dreamfyre, leaving Morganna alone with Aegon and Aemond.

The two Princes looked at her with smirks, though Aemond didn't wait around long before speaking. "I'll collect Vhagar, she's far too large and impressive to be caged inside a dome." He said, cockiness seeping from his tongue as he spoke.

Aegon scoffed, "She may be large, but no dragon is more impressive than my Sunfyre." He stated before glancing at Morganna, expecting her to add her opinion, but she didn't, instead she put two fingers to her lips and whistled, allowing the high pitched melody to be carried through the wind.

Aemond froze just as he was about to disappear around the corner to collect Vhagar, he wondered what Morganna's whistle meant, though he didn't want to seem like he cared so he forced himself to continue in search for Vhagar, regardless of how curious he was about what her whistle meant.

Aegon raised his brow at Morganna, "What was that?" He asked curiously.

Morganna couldn't help but smile, she knew her dragon was the most impressive of all, though she'd be lying if she didn't admit it was her own completely biased opinion. "You'll see." She answered as she watched the sky for her dragon.

Aegon didn't go to collect Sunfyre immediately, instead he waited with Morganna, curious as to what she was watching the sky for. Another few minutes passed before the sound of powerful leathern wings came beating above them, and then the silhouette of a dragon beyond the clouds came into view.

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