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MORGANNA LOOKED OVER HERSELF IN THE MIRROR, ADMIRING the beautiful green dress Queen Alicent had gifted her for tonight's dinner. Alicent wanted Morganna looking absolutely perfect for Borros and Theodore Baratheon. It had the witch a little confused as to why Alicent why so concerned about her betrothal.. perhaps she wished to ship Morganna off to Storms End and have her rid of? It would be quite a humorous prospect, Daemon would never let that happen.

Morganna couldn't say she didn't enjoy Theodore Baratheons company, he was indeed a gentleman, and he had some interesting stories to tell, it was just that.. well unfortunately he was a little older than she, and at times would come off quite cocky. This was slightly off putting.

There was a knock on the door, interrupting Morganna from her thoughts. The witch glanced over to the door. "Come in." She said.

The wooden door swung open a moment later, and Aemond Targaryen stepped inside. He was caught slightly off guard at the sight of the Princess, she looked beautiful, and especially in his family's colours. The one eyed Prince had to gulp, swallowing the lump caught in his throat before being able to form words.

"Is he what you imagined?" He asked rather bluntly.

Morganna could only chuckle, of course that's what he'd ask her. "As a matter of fact, yes, he's exactly what I pictured him to be like." She admitted.

Aemond hummed as he took a few steps toward Morganna. "Are you fond of him?" He asked, regretting asking such a question. He feared she might say yes.

Morganna smiled, "Why the curiosity Aemond?" She asked in amusement.

Aemond only frowned.

"It's too early to say, he's nice, and a gentleman, but I cannot say I'm fond of him. I enjoy his company but nothing further." She answered.

Aemond had to sigh internally, that was relieving to hear. Though he would have preferred if she'd said she hated him instead, but this answer would suffice, it meant he could still win her over. In time of course.

Morganna frowned now as she noticed Aemond was staring at her in a silence, a slight smirk on his expression as if admiring her, though of course she brushed that thought off, Aemond would be the last person to admire her. Or at least that's what she believed.

"Aemond?" She spoke, trying to get his attention.

Aemond slowly pulled his eye off of Morganna's waist and met her eyes. "Hm?" He hummed.

"Are you alright? You seem.. distracted." She said.

Aemond chuckled, "Perhaps I am." He spoke suggestively. Morganna didn't pick up on it.

"What's distracting you?" She asked curiously. She wasn't oblivious, nor was she stupid, but she truly believed Aemond would never have a fondness for her.

Aemond reached one hand out a touched Morganna's green dress. His touch so gentle she could barely feel him. Morganna sucked in a sharp breath.

He hummed again, "It suits you." And then he was gone, leaving Morganna with a heavy frown, and an even heavier confusion.

Was that him trying be nice? She couldn't quite understand why he'd said it only to retreat a second after. Was his intention to confuse her? It was entirely possible, after all Aemond definitely wasn't known for being kind or sincere. In the end Morganna brushed off the curiosity, it was time for her to make her appearance at dinner.

Morganna took her time in wandering through the halls of the Red Keep, she definitely was not in any rush. In fact, she felt quite nervous, was it because her mother would be watching her interaction with Theodore? She didn't want to let her down, this was her chance to finally be apart of the family.

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