Maeve climbed out of the window carefully and stepped on the roof. She managed to keep a firm footing and go up on the steep roof. She snatched the bottle of bourbon and pressed it to her lips.
"Hey!" he slurred turning his head to look at her.
She pulled the bottle away from her mouth scrunching her face, "Shut your drunken face." she scolded him.
"That's my bottle. This is my house. And you──" he snatched the bottle back from her, "need to leave." Maeve made an annoyed face giving him a blank look.
"I'm not. And friends share, bitch." she took the bottle back from him, "besides you are drunk. I am not. So I'm going to drink half share of this and get drunk with you."
"Mae, stop this. You know it takes a lot for vampires to get drunk. You, on the other hand get light headed after three glasses."
Maeve raised her hands up in the air defensively before speaking, "In my defence I didn't have much time to build up resistance."
"What are you doing here?" asked Damon giving up on getting the bottle back.
Maeve gave him a side glance lowering her hand that held the bottle, "what do you mean, I am here to watch the sun rise with my good friend."
"And since when am I your good friend?"
"I kneed you in the balls and shot you with wooden bullets laces with vervain. You forced me to wake up bright and early in the morning. After all of this we are still alive and have not murdered each other. I count that as being good friends."
Damon dropped his shoulders watching the horizon glow as the first light of the day started to emerge swallowing the night. Maeve watched as a frowning line appeared on Damon's forehead before it went away. She rested her head on his shoulder scooting closer to him. Damon took in a breath and rested his head on hers.
"It's okay to feel, D. You are not going to be punished for it."
"But people will start having expectations." Damon responded bluntly.
"I am not asking you to announce to the world that you are feeling something." Maeve sharply denoted, "I want you to give yourself the freedom to feel. Constantly wanting to show how remorseless you are is only hurting you." She lifted her head up to look at him. Damon looked into her eyes feeling as if she understood him. He saw her mirror his inner thoughts more clearly than anyone else, "give yourself the luxury to feel."
Damon's eyes softened from their usual sharpness. His lips parted as he confessed to her, "she died because of me, Mae." Maeve wrapped her arms around him pulling him into a hug. Damon placed his hands on top of her right hand wrapped round his front.
Both the friends stayed silent in the dawn. Neither speaking but one slowly feeling better about themselves.
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