-51- fuck, marry, kill

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Minutes later, the boys drag a mattress through my door and position it next to my bed.

"You girls take the bed, we'll take the floor." Haruto says.

We all lay down, Kuina next to me and her next to Haruto who's next to Takumi, and talk for a little while. We then fall asleep one after the other, until I'm the only one awake.
Minutes later, i feel Kuina rolling away and out of the bed. I jerk up, trying to see if she hurt herself, but she landed directly next to Haruto, who took in almost all of Takumis side. Both of them continue to snore, and didn't wake up, but I saw Takumi jerking awake.

"Are you awake Yuki?" Takumi whispers.

"Yes." I whisper back.

"Can I come in your bed? It's kinda narrow here."

"Sure, come up." I whisper again, waiting for him to slip into my bed.

Seconds later he slips under the cover and turns to me. "Yuki?"

"Yeah?" I whisper.

"Can we talk a little?" He asks carefully.

"Of course. What do you want to talk about?" I question.

"I want to apologize. I didn't tell you that i had kissed Daiki before I kissed and slept with you, but I honestly forgot about it."

I smile slightly, caressing his cheek. "It wasn't necessary, it-"

"No it was, Yuki. He, he tried to kill you because of me, killed a little girl, and you didn't even know what his reason was." He says, vulnerable and ashamed.

"It's not your fault, okay? He decided how to act and it was the wrong way of doing so." I reassure him, grabbing his hand. We're consumed by comfortable silence, and I almost fell asleep before he takes a deep breath that rips me out of my slumber.

"You know, I almost fell in love with you." He suddenly confesses, gripping my hand tighter. I'm as speechless as one could be, and continue looking at him without saying a word. "But I knew it would never happen, so I quit my feelings."

"You did?" I ask, not sure of what i was supposed to say.

"Yeah, I did. And I'm glad too, because I know I would've fallen deep."

"Why do you say that?"

He brushes a streak of my hair out of my face and smiles. "How could I not? You're amazing Yuki."

I'm at a loss of words. Why would he say things like that? If he knew everything about me, i bet he wouldn't like me anymore. At least not like this.

"Please don't understand me wrong, I'm not in love with you. But i do, genuinely care for you. You're the best thing that happened to me in boarderland."

"Thank you Kumi." I say, deep in thought, before asking another question. "How did you know it wouldn't be anything more? Anything more than physical?"

"You mean apart from the time you told me?" He smiles, and I nod. " Ive seen the way you react to different kinds of people. And you simply don't react to me like to another guy."

I scrunch my eyebrows, confused. "What guy?" I ask, wanting to know who he means as I definitely have no idea who he's talking about.

"I can't tell you Yuki. You clearly haven't figured out your feelings yourself." He whispers again, caressing my cheek. "But I can help you, as soon as you find out."

"Thank you Kumi."

"No worries."

"No i mean it," i say, sounding ernst, "thank you. Not many guys would've done that. I'm glad to have you as my friend."

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