-128- Phase two

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He reaches out and gently caresses my cheek, wiping away the remnants of tears. He leans in, watching my reaction closely. His lips meet mine in a tender, heartfelt kiss.

"I was really scared for you." He whispers. "Please don't make me that scared again."

I chuckle faintly, "Just don't get scared. You know I can handle myself."

"Yeah I know. I am convinced by it." His voice breaks, "but you've almost died twice now. That's too much to not be scared."


"Seeing you all bloody in Niragis arms, unconscious and only faintly breathing..." he shakely breathes out, "I have never been that scared in my life before."

"Is that why you let me stay in your room?" I ask intrigued.

"Of course. I had to keep an eye on you." He chuckles out, "I even let Niragi stay to make sure if something went wrong, we would notice. I didn't sleep. He did."

I laugh loudly, "You just had to add that, right?"

He smirks sneakily, "I don't know what you mean Clove."

"Oh you know you do Snow White." I chuckle before I sigh exhausted. "I'm separated from them again. Just like in Phase one."

I know I'm ruining the mood, but I just can't help bit worry. Chishiya is amazing though. He doesn't make me feel as if it did.

"Of whom? Your sisters?" He asks and I nod. "They can take care of themselves." He adds.

"I know they can." I sigh, "but so did Keru and look what happened."

He gently touches my arm as he glances at me warmly, "You always expect the worst."

"Can you blame me?" I husk out pained.

"Tomorrow, after we know what to expect, we will go to my apartment and meet up with them again." He whispers, surprisingly calming me down with those simple words.

"Thank you, Chishiya," I say, my heart swelling with affection as I gaze into his eyes.

His eyes sparkle with a mixture of admiration and tenderness, and his lips curve into a soft, sincere smile. "You know, I really—" he says, his voice a gentle whisper as he takes a deep breath, "—I can't wait to meet you in the real world."

I furrow my brows, puzzled by his words. "You want to meet me? But you already know me?," I say, my confusion evident in my voice.

He hesitates for a moment, his eyes never leaving mine. "I know the you in this world, surrounded by danger, adrenaline, and death," he explains. "I know you volunteer in a hospital. But I want to know more. I want to know all of you."

"I would love to get to know you better." I smile at him. "But I think I already know a lot more than you think."

"You don't really know me."

"I don't know you?" I repeat, my voice softening.

He frowns slightly, his vulnerability showing. "No, not really."

"Is this supposed to scare me?" I chuckle, trying to lighten the moment, but he remains serious. "Chishiya, I do know you."

He avoids my gaze, his gaze fixed on some distant point. "I'm not sure you'll like who I am back home," he confesses, his voice barely audible.

I gently cup his face in my hands, making him meet my gaze. "Why wouldn't I?" I smile, my affection for him shining through. "As far as I can tell, you could probably spit in my face, and I'd still like you."

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