-75- frostbite

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I open my eyes and realize I'm still laying on the roof. Judging by the ongoing music and dark sky, I couldn't have slept more than an hour. I slowly sit up and feel my back hurting a lot, when a white jacket suddenly slips from my body on the roof.

I turn to my side and see a lying figure next to me with his eyes closed. I almost didn't recognize Chishiya without his jacket.

He must have arrived after I fell asleep and covered me in his jacket. Getting hit by a freezing breeze, I realize how cold it is on the roof tonight. I'm shivering again as soon as the warmth of his signature clothes leaves me, so I quickly snuggle into it again and smile.

He put this over me because I was cold, and even stayed next to me. As I look back at him, I notice his soft features of his face. The one's that are normally hidden behind his condescending smirk he wears all day.

His lips look soft and are slightly parted, showing me the front of his teeth. His nose scrunches ever so slightly a few times a minutes and his eyes are closed softly and covered in his cute lashes.

He looks beautiful.

I also realize that he has goosebumps and is shivering, so i snuggle into the jacket once more to inhale his scent, i realize I've missed so much, before i cover his upper body with his jacket.

As soon as it hits him, he opens his eyes and looks at me. He carefully sits up, and I can tell his back is also pained, but he's trying not to show it.

"Hello." I smile at him in a mere whisper.

His sleepy eyes scan my face, and then my body for a few seconds before he grabs his jacket and hands it to me again. "Here." He says in his raspy voice.

"What? No. You're freezing!" I tell him.

He rolls his eyes and stretches it out again. "Take it. You're cold."

"You're too. And I already had it." I say in a matter of factly voice.

"And then I had it." He states. "It's your turn again."

"It's your jacket."

"Please Yuki." He says annoyed, and it shocks me. I've never heard him ask me for anything. "You're going to get frostbite because of the winds up here. Just take it."

I carefully grab his jacket and throw it over my shoulders. "And what if you'll get frostbite?"

"I wont."

"And who says that?" I ask annoyed.

"I am."

"But you're freezing." I nag at him.

"I'm not."

"Yes you are!" I say and reach to touch his exposed arm. "Just look how cold you are."

As I touch him, I realize that he really is freezing. His eyes are fixated on my hand on his arm and i smile lowly. "You're freezing. Let's share the jacket at least." I say.

His eyes finally meet mine again. "It's not big enough for us both." He states.

"Just trust me." I smile at him and stand up. I check where the wind is coming from and notice it's from our left. "We can lean against the wall of the door, then we wont be hit by the wind." I explain and stretch out my hand to him. "Come on."

He looks at me confused and hesitantly takes my hand, letting me pull him up. We walk to the wall and I immediately feel the current of the wind disappearing. I sit against down the wall and pat the space next to me.

"Come on Snow White. Sit down." I order playfully. He rolls his eyes and sits next to me. I scoot closer to him until our legs and shoulders touch and smile at the ground. I feel myself blushing hardly and hope he doesn't notice.

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