-74- fun night out with new friends

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"No way, you really did that?" Kuina asks me baffled while inspecting my bandaged hand.

"He was pissing me off." I state.

Kuina chuckles loudly before turning away to fix her hair in a ponytail. "I'm just saying... you didn't need to hurt yourself in the progress."

I look in the mirror while I apply some mascara. "I had to prove a point. Besides, it doesn't even hurt anymore."

"Mhm yeah sure. Thanks to your private doctor." She smirks.

I chuckle slightly and throw a shirt at her. "Hurry up. Arisu and Usagi will be at the club in twenty minutes." I playfully order.

Kuina, who has been hit in the face by the shirt, stretches out her tongue. "I am! But you can't hurry perfection."

We both laugh and continue to get ready. "When did you say were Kumi and Haru going to pick us up?" I ask.

"Uhhh, in two."

"Damn it." I curse and hurry myself put on my dress. "Kuina, the zipper. The zipper!" I nag at her, jumping up and down. She quickly closes it and i apply my cherry lipgloss just as we hear knocks on my door.

I open it while Kuina slips into her pants and greet the twins. "Hey!"

"Hey Yuki, looking hot." Haru whistles .

Takumi smiles at me, "Hey." he says.

"Just-" i turn around and spot Kuina trying to button up her pants. "Give us one more minute?" I ask, but slam the door immediately in their faces.

I hurry to her and pull the jeans together, trying to get her close the buttons. "It wont close." I grunt. "I told the washers they dry the clothes to hot!"

"Shit." She exhales, falling back on the bed. "What am I supposed to wear then?"

I rush to her closet and search through her pants. "Maybe hotpants?" I ask, but her dumbfounded gaze says more than a thousand words ever could. "Okay, let me check again."

After a few seconds I find some dark blue pair of low waist jeans and throw them to her. "Now hurry up."

She throws away her shirt, revealing her blue bikini and puts on the pants. "So? What do we think?"

"We think we're late as fuck!" I say pushing her to the door. She stares at me stupidly and I smile. "You look smoking hot."

"Great!" She exclaims happily. "Come on Yuki we're running late."


Walking to the club I spot Arisu looking anxious and Usagi talking to him about something. "Arisu!" I yell out jogging to them. "I'm so glad you made it! Hey Usagi, you look very pretty."

"Hey guys." Arisu smiles awkwardly and Usagi smiles at me.

"Are you ready to party with us?" Haruto asks them excited and throws his arms around them.

"Haruto!" Kuina snaps at him. "Let them arrive first!"

"No its okay." Usagi smiles and follows in with us.

We get to the VIP Area and sit down while Takumi fixes us some drinks. I turn to our new additions and smile.

"How did you two find each other?" I ask and turn to Usagi. "I know for a fact you didn't stay with him after the Tag game."

"We met a few days after the seven of hearts." Arisu states.

"-and then played together." Usagi continues.

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