-104- Hatters Helper

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The first riddle is projected onto the wall in front of us, illuminated by a single spotlight. "I'm always hungry, I must always be fed. The finger I touch, will soon turn red. What am I?"

Without missing a beat, I step forward and mutter, "Fire." The correct answer causes the wall to slide open, revealing a narrow passageway that beckons us forward.

"Damn." Yamako says and turns to Touhmi, "I didn't even completely hear the riddle and she already answered."

"Think we're lucky today!" Touhmi chuckles and throws his arm around my shoulder.

I push it off and furrow my brows, "don't touch me."

"Yuki is here for me and me only." Hatter announces proudly. "Go on Yuki." He says and orders me to enter the passageway.

I roll my eyes and start to walk, immediately followed by Key and reluctantly Chibi.

"What do you mean she's here for you?" One of the new girls ask. "I'm Shibuha and that's Ihnja by the way."

"I'm only here to make sure they all survive." I say and turn to Hatter, "I'm an executive, not your puppy. And right now, I'd like to save the others rather than you." I snap and enter a small door that leads into a room.

The others follow me and Hatter, who has a grim expression follows also.

The second riddle challenges us to think: "I have keys but open no locks. I have space but no room. You can enter but not go outside. What am I?"

Before I can even process the words, Yamako steps forward and confidently answers, "A keyboard." The answer is correct, and a metal grate in the floor opens up, revealing a dark chasm beneath.

We all take a step back, Touhmi  almost fell in but thankfully Chibi grabbed his arm and pulled him back.

"Thanks bro." Touhmi breathes out.

"S-Sure." Chibi answers scared.

"So what do we do?" Ihnja asks confused.

"Isn't it obvious?" Key snaps annoyed, "we need to jump."

"Then go for it." Hatter remarks, standing the furthest from the pit.

Key looks back confidently and suddenly leaps down. A few seconds pass until we hear a splash. "Wuhuu!" He yells up, "come down guys, it's a swimming pool!"

The others hesitate, so i roll my eyes and step forward. My heart races as I approach the opening, the faint sound of water echoing from below. This is to familiar to the day Takeru died. The day I tried to die. But it won't happen today. I found my family and I am here to protect them, just like Keru said i could.

I take a deep breath and jump, my fingers grazing the edge of the pit as I make the leap. The fall is not as far as I expected, and I land in a pool of deep water.

"Jump!" I yell up, "here's a clock, we're already ten minutes down and don't know how many challenges we have!"

Still, even after I exited the pool, no one has jumped.

"It's only about fifteen meters! JUMP!" Key yells angry and even I am losing my patience.

"If no one jumps, I will continue without you!" I shout and soon after, Hatter has jumped down, followed by Yamako, then Touhmi, Ihnja, Shibuha and finally Chibi. Each and every one of them screamed loudly and bit Key and I are annoyed by now.

"Come on Hatter, let's go." I say and walk through another thin hallway. As soon as the last person entered the hallway as well, the door closes and we're swallowed by blackness.

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