chapter 1: in hell

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The bad batch were just on a job not that different from any other job until it went horrible and they all died and went to hell.  After realizing that they're in hell and are now imps they now have to try to find a way to adjust to this new life.  They were now trying to find an apartment to live in to no sleep on the streets. 

Landlord: What is ya current address? 

Hunter: next question.

Landlord: May I at least see a recent letter of employment or two recent pay stumps? 

Hunter: No and no. 

Landlord: where do you guys work? 

Hunter: none of us have a job yet. 

Landlord: I pronounce you all ridiculous come back when you all gotta J-O-B!!! 

After screaming the landlord immediately slammed the door at their faces making them wonder what the fuck they were going to do, they don't have jobs and it's not like anyone would hire them since they're not actually hellborn imps.  

Hunter: damnit!  We were so close and it's not like anyone will hire us we're not actually hell-born imps! 

Tech: by this rate one of us will have to resort to theft while the rest of us will just have to--

But tech didn't even finish his sentence before a random flier flew directly into his face at that exact moment of time. 

Omega: wow tech even the wind thinks you talk too much. 

Wrecker: what the heck is that? 

Tech: It seems to be a flyer for an assassination company looking for people to hire. 

Echo: What do you expect us to just randomly employee for that? 

The scene then cuts to echo looking very horribly surprised because they are all outside of the I.M.P office waiting to be interviewed for the job. 

Echo: I can't believe we're actually going through with this. 

Hunter: You want to eat don't you? 

Echo: Yes but I don't want to resort to murder!

Wrecker: It's not murder if we're paid. 

Once they all got inside the room they all saw a hellhound at the receptionist table looking down at a small device not giving a damn that they all just walked in through the door. 


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Loona: I'm sorry but we don't normally do contracts with locals so if you're looking to do business--

Hunter: No we're just here about the job interview thing. 

Tech: And I've read the flyer it has too many spelling mistakes. 

Loona: I'll get the boss.   Blitz some random group of imps wearing armor came for the job thing, ran out of reason to live and brought a kid and want to be hired by you...  And one of them looks like they're dying. 

Then and lanky jester like imp in a fancy ripped up suit with a skull charm on his neck came into the room to see them. 


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Blitz: Oh you guys are here about the add. 

Tech: Yes and I have to comment about all the spelling mistakes. 

Blitz: shut up nerd I'm talking to the one with the skull tattoo.  I'm blitz the O is silent. 

Hunter: what O? 

Blitz: The only way of getting hired here is if you're able to shoot up an entire office.  

Hunter: we have killed thousands. 

Blitz: deal. 

Sorry if this chapter was short

the bad batch helluva boss crossover Where stories live. Discover now