chapter 2: the pilot

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Ever since the bad batch joined I.M.P they all made quite interesting friends, sure they can be weird but friends can be crazy, Blitz can be a bit strange in a fucked up way, Moxxie can be strict but he at least follows orders so to speak, Millie can be very hyper when it comes to killing or taking road trips with the team, and last but not least Loona the angry hellhound who's been like an older sister to Omega in a way. The scene starts to a closed door with a sign that says "meeting in progress", inside Blitz was walking by a whiteboard as he lectures his employees.

Blitz: alright I know business has been... A bit slow it's no one's fault, okay? I'm not naming any names here... Moxxie, Tech. Now, does anyone have any bright ideas on how we can get business drummin' up again?

Tech: Why are you blaming me?

Tech: Why are you blaming me?

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Millie: What about a car wash?

Omega: That's a good idea.

Blitz: this is hell Millie nobody cares about cars being clean here. Oh how about a billboard?

Wrecker: Make it have explosions.

Moxxie: we can't afford a billboard sir.

Blitz: really glad Moxxie helpful that you're in the room right now. *Pushes Moxxie* Have you all forgotten what service we provide?

Blitz then turns on a TV that shows the I.M.P crew brutally murdering people from earth as they are paid to do so. Blitz whacks a man in the face with a mallet, Moxxie is blown away firing a shotgun through the mouth of a man tied to a chair, Loona swings a man back and forth with her mouth and Millie decapitates a man with a spear and laughs.


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Blitz: those were the good times.

Moxxie: I don't need any reminding sir, considering you blew most of our salaries on an obnoxious TV ad last week. One that you additionally paid to run a full three hours on a channel nobody watches.

Echo: That's where our money's going!?

Blitz: uh, hey, excuse me, what's obnoxious about a super fun jingle all right? It's a fun distraction when an advertisement is spittin' bullshit.

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