chapter 9: date night

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After a successful job the I.M.P crew just returned and Hunter looked at the paper with Verosika's phone number until Blitz walked up behind him, freaking him out.

Blitz: so why haven't you called that bitch?

Hunter: what?

Blitz: look I don't care that you're fucking my ex and Wrecker is fucking one of her friends in fact I find it fucking hilarious.  It's just why haven't either of you called them?

Hunter: it's just that me and the others don't have cell phones.

Loona: you guys don't have cell phones?  What rock were you guys living in your entire lives?

Blitz: here, you guys can have some of my old cell phones.  You all go to hellrisin' and switch out the SIM cards and then get all of my contacts off of the hell cloud.

Wrecker: so, what kind of holovids can you see on this thing?

Loona: what?

Several minutes later

Then Hunter walked back into the meeting room hanging up his new phone and sitting down with Blitz slowly moving up next to him.

Blitz: so, what'd she say?

Hunter: she wants us to meet at Ozzie's in the lust ring.

Moxxie: well since you are dating Verosika mayday it won't be difficult for you to get in. 

Millie: and if you do the deed can you tell us what sex with her was like?

Hunter: maybe.  Anyways I'm getting ready so see me either later or tomorrow.

After he said that he walked out of the room and then Blitz suddenly looked at the other bad batchers and suddenly put on a very mischievous smirk on his face. 

Omega: what's with the face?

Blitz: don't you guys wanna sneak to Ozzie's and see their drama?

Echo: Blitz, they're on a date and I don't want to interfere.

Blitz: oh come on!  What if they do the deed and she forces your own brother to knock her up!?

Wrecker: why would she do that?

Blitz: to trap him. 

Tech: what?

Blitz: to keep him around so she could suck his dick forever and you guys can prevent it if you guys help me spy on them in the lust ring.

Omega: if we're going through with this we're gonna need code names.

Blitz: already got the names.  Okay Tech your Nerdy anal bead, Wrecker you'll be rhino ass, echo you'll be dildo bat, Omega you'll be baby phoenix and I'll be pony king.

Wrecker: hey, Blitz, why did you make Omega and your code names non-sexual things?  That's not fair!

Echo: dildo bat?

Blitz: would you rather have dick pussy?

Echo: no.

Blitz: then it's dildo bat.

Tech: just as long as you don't record them doing sex.  Not that they'll do it, just don't record it.

Blitz: fine.

In the lust ring

Hunter was just outside of Ozzie's and as he was about to enter the building the guard demon immediately stopped him from entering. 

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