Rock out with your...Rock out?

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I wake up with the greatest feeling. It's still early as always because I like to be up before the kids but this morning I get to wake up in Jay's arms.

"I was waiting for you to wake up." Jay whispers in my ear. I roll over in his arms, open my ees and smile up at him.

"I spend every day you're away dreaming of this." I breath in his slept in scent.

"Me too." He grins. I laugh.

"You should go get the kids up." I say excitedly. "They'd love that so much." I bite my lip.

"And you'll make breakfast?"

"Of course."

"I love you babe." He kisses my lips.

"On second thought they can sleep in." I snuggle into him.

"No. You know you've got them on a schedule that can't be messed with."

"Listen to you, sounding like a dad and everything." I giggle.

"My kids are awaiting my arrival Miss Grimms." He says poshly, gives me a final kiss and jumps out of bed. I fix my messy bun and brush my teeth before starting breakfast. The first thing I hear when I get to the kitchen is Amelia and Ronan screaming in excitement. I peek in to their room to see Jay tickling them both.

"Daddddyyyyy!" Amelia giggles while wiggling away from the tickles. I back away so I don't interrupt them. 

In the kitchen I cook up some french toast and berries, a special treat for my loves.

"Mummy. Mummy." Ronan comes running out in his Green Lantern pajamas.

"What is it?" I smile.

"Daddy's here."

"I know." He sniffs at the air.

"Mummy, can I haf syrup on my frenchie toast?"

"Of course. Mummy's making some right now. Go sit down and it'll be ready in just a few minutes."

After serving everyone I make myself a plate and sit at the table.

"So how would you guys like to spend the day with Nana and Papa?" Jay asks.

"And Mummy and daddy?" Ronan asks. Jay and I both frown.

"No my love. Just Nana and Papa." He furrows his brow and thinks for a moment, leans over and whispers in Amelia's ear. They hold their own little conference before Ronan turns back to us.

"Okay we go wif Papa and Nana."

"Good. After you're done eating we'll have to get ready." Jay tells him. Amelia and Ronan both nod. I smile at my little family and my heart swells. "Aren't you going to eat?" Jay points to my plate. I look down at my half eaten breakfast.

"Nah. Go ahead." I push my plate to him and excuse myself. "Have to call my parents anyway. We completely failed to ensure that they were an option to watch them."

"And you think that in their vacation to London to see their grandkids their time would be booked up?" Jay raises an eyebrow to me. I shrug and he laughs in amusement. "Besides, I already talked to them."

"You?" I tilt my head to one side. "But you don't talk to my parents."

"And how would I look if I had you calling for a babysitter at the last minute?" I glare at him.

"What are you up to James McGuiness?"

"Nothing at all."

"You are such a liar."

Beneath The Static [The Wanted (Jay McGuiness<3)]Where stories live. Discover now