Our Makeshift Family

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I had been here a week in South Park. It was full of Britney and Justin wannabes. Except for a few people. The goths being apart of that few. The others I won't even mention. Stupid conformists.

It wasn't terrible though. There was a great coffee shop. Tweek bros coffee. I stopped their every once In while. My mom has also finally gotten me my non menthol cigarettes. Which has been doing wonders for keeping my bitchyness at bay. Plus I found out Henrietta likes Skinny Puppy as well. So she put a bunch of it on my MP3.

She's like a sister to me now. We bonded over a goth night at her house for the group. She played Skinny Puppy, and we smoked cigarettes. While discussing the miserable lives of conformists. We shared some genuine laughter, and wrote poetry.

It was an odd little group we had, but it wasn't terrible. Pete, Michael, and Firkle were like brothers. Henrietta again like the sister I never had. We had sort of a makeshift family going. I mean to the conformists all of them seemed mean, or like a bunch of downers. We were just not afraid to be ourselves. Most of us had family problems. I mean Henrietta's mom is a conformist. Michaels parents I think split up. Pete doesn't talk a whole lot.So I'm not sure if he really has any problems, and same goes for Firkle. Well other than the problem Henrietta has with the possibility of conformist parents.

We all just got along really well. Michael is our ring leader. Firkle is like a family therapist. That kid knows us better than we do. Petes always ready to help, and Henrietta just brings the goth flare.

We're a whole together, and I wouldn't trade it for all the cigarettes, and coffee in the world. Today we're just chilling at Henrietta's smoking a cigarette here, and there. I was reading poetry to Firkle since he has some trouble reading. That's what happens when you don't attend school though.

It was Edgar Allan Poe. The tell tale heart. Firkle was sitting beside me listening intently. Looking at the words on the page no doubt trying to read them himself. It was kind of cute, but kind of sad at the same time that he was sort of illiterate. So I made a decision then, and there that I would help him if he wanted to learn.

"Hey Firkle", I started. He looked up at me with big eyes. "Do you want to learn how to read?" I continued. He took a moment to think about it, and then nodded. I smiled, and looked towards Henrietta,"Got some paper, and pencils?" She nodded found some of both materials, and tossed them toward us.

"Okay Firkle, let's get started." With those words I tutored him all night, and by morning he had read the tell tale heart all by himself. He messed up a few words, but for someone who just learned the written English language did amazing. Though shortly after he passed out. Henrietta said we had to leave before her mom got up. Unless
we wanted to be talked down to by a conformist.

So I scooped him up, and carried his short ass to my house were I tucked him into bed. I got lucky. My parents were out of town so I didn't have to explain anything. Instead I just curled up next to him, and passed out as well. Leaving the world for nightmares.

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